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Nissan Navara "saves" 54 plane hijacking hostages in UTK demonstration!

Arif · Aug 6, 2020 05:32 PM

Nissan Navara

A recent demonstration by PDRM Special Forces (UTK) saw the Nissan Navara in action. The demonstration simulated a plane hijacking in Sepang.

Photos: PDRM

Nissan Navara

Decked out in all black to match the special forces team, the Nissan Navara carried highly skilled agents to “save” 54 hostages that included 5 cabin crews of the simulated flight MH2612.

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Nissan Navara

The heart-pounding demonstration had been delayed due to the global pandemic. According to UTK Commander, SAC Tuan Mohd Khairi Khairuddin, the objective of the exercise was to test the effectiveness of PDRM’s response in an emergency situation inside an aeroplane.

Nissan Navara

Nissan Navara

Nissan Navara

Nissan Navara

Nissan Navara

Nissan Navara




Previously an engineer in an automotive manufacturing company and a highway concessionaire. A part-time research student on biofuels and diesel engines. Obsessed with vehicle electrification and the future of transportation.

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