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Ingress is now also a dealer for Volvo Cars

Robert · Jul 24, 2019 10:37 PM

Ingress is now also a dealer for Volvo Cars 01

Ingress Corporation Berhad, the automotive parts maker best known among consumers for its BMW dealerships around the country, is now expanding its reach into the premium sector with Volvo Cars.

Under its new subsidiary Ingress Swede Automobile, the company will now also sell Volvo cars. The company will soon launch a new 3S Centre in Damansara, details to be announced in the next two months.

“As a people-centric brand, we would like to ensure that we consistently deliver a premium and holistic experience to our customers throughout their ownership journey,” said Mr Nalin Jain, Managing Director of Volvo Car Malaysia.

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Echoing the pledge made by Mr Jain, Ingress Swede Automobile’s Dealer Principal, Mr Mohd Azeman Mohamed Akram added that Ingress Corporation Berhad’s expansive automotive background will certainly help realise that promise.

“The auto dealership division of Ingress Corporation Berhad has more than a decade’s worth of history servicing premium segment customers and we are confident that we will be able to meet and exceed expectations,” added Mohd Azeman.  

For more information about Ingress Swede Automobile, please contact Mr Mohd Azeman Mohamed Akram at

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