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You only need three words to know about the 2020 VW Golf MK8 Volkswagen Golf

Tasia · Aug 30, 2019 11:30 AM

Not allowed to steal the spotlight from the ID 3 electric hatchback at the Frankfurt Auto Show, the 2020 Volkswagen Golf recently allowed to circulating about the road again before its official debut in October.

You only need three words to know about the 2020 VW Golf MK8 Volkswagen Golf 01

(Picture Credit: @johannes.vag)

So what can you expect from The eighth-generation Volkswagen Golf?

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Sharper, Stronger and Faster, that's what that is.

  • Sharper

At first glance, you will recognize its one of the Glofs from the general side shape and classic C-pillar design. To the front end, the slimmer headlights are positioned a little lower as well as its nose, emphasizing the center of gravity. 

Its L-shaped taillights are now stretching forward to the front door's handle, forming a new caved line design. VW also gives a fastback-type slope finish to the end. Overall, we see a well-proportioned streamlined body outline on the new VW Golf.

You only need three words to know about the 2020 VW Golf MK8 Volkswagen Golf 01

  • Stronger

Based ont he updated MQB platform, the Mk8 is 50 kg lighter than the last generation. It will also gain a 48-volt Mild Hybrid System and is likely to have an electric turbocharger giving 261 hp, just like what the Golf GTI Clubsport have. 

For the  EA288 Evo 2.0 litre TDI turbodiesel, a 12-volt mild hybrid system with maximum power outputs of 204 hp is equipped. Like its sibling MK7 facelift, the MK8 is likely to have a 1.0-litre three-cylinder and 1.5 four-cylinder TSI petrol engines.

  • Faster

The GTE plug-in hybrid model is expected to breakthrough the current 50km on its electric-only range. Meanwhile, the top spec Golf R Plus s capable of generating up to 400 hp +, with a top speed of 278 km/h and accomplishing 0-100 km/h in just 3.9s.


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