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Bangkok 2019: All-new Nissan Almera with 1.0L turbo engine?

Eric Β· Oct 8, 2019 04:00 PM

2020 Nissan Almera front

US market model shown

After its global debut back in April, the all-new Nissan Almera will be introduced in the ASEAN region as soon as November, starting with Thailand.

According to Thai auto site headlightmag, Nissan could be introducing the all-new Almera at the 2019 Thailand Motor Expo in November, before introducing to other nations within the region. 

2020 Nissan Almera side

US market model shown

The report also mentioned that the all-new Almera will comply to Thailand’s Eco Car Phase 2 program. Amongst the prerequisites of the Eco Car Phase 2 program is that the car has to emit no more than 100g/km of CO2 and consume no more than 4.3-litres/100 km of fuel. 

2020 Nissan Almera dashboard

US market model shown

As such, the all-new Nissan Almera is said to receive a brand new 1.0-litre turbocharged 3-cylinder (HR10DET) petrol engine that does 100 PS at 5,000 rpm and 144 Nm from 2,000 rpm. In an effort to improve fuel consumption and lower CO2 emissions, the all-new Almera will ditch the 4-speed automatic, replaced by an XTronic CVT-type automatic. A 5-speed manual transmission is also on the cards. 

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For the Thailand market, the all-new Almera should be packed with safety features, as the Eco Car Phase 2 program also requires new models to feature stability control, on top of ABS, EBD, and Brake Assist for every variant. 



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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Market fair trade-in price

2020 Nissan Almera 1.0L VL


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