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Why is Apple CarPlay/Android Auto still not offered in the 2023 Proton S70? This is Proton's response

CY Foong · Nov 22, 2023 01:50 PM

Why is Apple CarPlay/Android Auto still not offered in the 2023 Proton S70? This is Proton's response 01

Apple CarPlay and Android Auto (CP/AA) are essential in many cars these days. However, the smartphone integration feature is still absent even on the Proton’s newest model, the 2023 Proton S70.

Why is Apple CarPlay/Android Auto still not offered in the 2023 Proton S70? This is Proton's response 02

It seems to be a pattern at every Proton model launch and once again during the press conference following the S70’s media preview, questions on the absence of AA and CP on Proton’s latest model arose.

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Why is Apple CarPlay/Android Auto still not offered in the 2023 Proton S70? This is Proton's response 01

Smart #1 shown

It was pointed out that the Smart #1 is offered with AA/CP while having the same supplier as the S70. In response to this, Sunny Wong, Head of Project Management Office of ACO Tech, said that CP/AA integration is currently in development and assures that it will be launched soon though no proper timeline has been given.

ACO Tech is the Malaysian-Chinese joint venture company that supplies Proton's infotainment system.

Also read: No more teasers - Smart #1 launched in Malaysia, from RM 189k, up to 428 PS/543 Nm, 440 km

Why is Apple CarPlay/Android Auto still not offered in the 2023 Proton S70? This is Proton's response 02

The Perodua Alza is still the only Malaysian car to feature CP/AA

She said, “We have received much feedback from customers asking when will CP and AA be available. We always want to give our customers the best product so CP and AA (integration) is currently in development.”

“I think it won’t be long before the feature gets launched,” Sunny concluded.

Also read: It's 2023 but the Proton X90 still has no Android Auto / Apple CarPlay - this is ACO Tech's reply

Why is Apple CarPlay/Android Auto still not offered in the 2023 Proton S70? This is Proton's response 03

Following up on Sunny’s reply, Roslan Abdullah, Deputy CEO of Proton, explained that obtaining the license from Google and Apple is the biggest obstacle in introducing AA and CP respectively for Proton.

Also read: Why your next car should come with Android Auto or Apple CarPlay

“Basically, the chipset would require changes in order to support CP and AA. Google is only openly friendly to certain OEMs and this makes it difficult to get the license,” he explained.

Why is Apple CarPlay/Android Auto still not offered in the 2023 Proton S70? This is Proton's response 04

Roslan continued, “We are currently in discussion with Google on getting the license and similarly with Apple. It’s easy to get the chips but getting the license is a hassle also due to the geopolitical situation.”

Since Proton’s parent company, Geely is Chinese, it is seemingly harder to obtain a license as both the US and Chinese governments are placing certain sanctions on their respective nations’ tech companies.

If future Proton models were to feature AA/CP, Roslan said the updates would “combine both hardware and software”.

Why is Apple CarPlay/Android Auto still not offered in the 2023 Proton S70? This is Proton's response 05

The S70’s infotainment unit is running on a similar Atlas OS that is also found in the Proton X90 and is available with Spotify. The Atlas OS is developed by ACO Tech.

Also read: Proton's infotainment supplier ACO Tech opens digital experience centre in Quill City Mall

The higher grade S70 Flagship variants are equipped with a large 12.3-inch infotainment screen while the lower Executive and Premium variants are equipped with a smaller 8-inch infotainment unit. Prices for the S70 are yet to be announced but it is currently open for bookings at all Proton showrooms nationwide.

Also read: No more Photoshops, this is the actual Proton S70 you can now buy - 150 PS/226 Nm 1.5L 3-cyl, full ADAS and more

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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