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2023 Proton S70 gets 5-star ASEAN NCAP rating but scores lower than Civic

CY Foong · Nov 28, 2023 06:20 PM

2023 Proton S70 gets 5-star ASEAN NCAP rating but scores lower than Civic 01

According to a report released by ASEAN NCAP, the newest Proton model on the block, the 2023 Proton S70 scored a full 5-star rating by the new car assessment board. However, in terms of points, the similar-sized Honda Civic outperformed Proton’s latest sedan but does it mean it's safer?

2023 Proton S70 gets 5-star ASEAN NCAP rating but scores lower than Civic 02

Under the latest 2021-25 protocol, the S70 scored a total of 82.95 points out of 100. By comparison, the Civic scored 83.47 points out of 100. The differences aren’t that much but let’s see in detail how the S70 is assessed.

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2023 Proton S70 gets 5-star ASEAN NCAP rating but scores lower than Civic 01

The S70 comes standard with 6 airbags across all 4 variants and in the Adult Occupant Protection category, the S70 scored 29.17 points out of 40. In the frontal impact test, both dummies receive good protection in the upper body but there is marginal protection for the driver’s legs and adequate protection for the front passenger’s right leg.

In the side impact test, the driver’s chest received adequate protection while other parts of the upper body received good protection.

2023 Proton S70 gets 5-star ASEAN NCAP rating but scores lower than Civic 02

Under the 2021-25 protocol, ASEAN NCAP added the motorcycle safety pillar to its assessment which tests blind-spot monitors and other safety features to aid pedestrian and motorcyclist safety. Blind-spot monitors are available as standard on the S70 and it scored 11 points in this regard.

Also read: AEBs to deal with rempit motorcycles, tougher side-impact tests - ASEAN NCAP presents 2026-2030 test protocol

2023 Proton S70 gets 5-star ASEAN NCAP rating but scores lower than Civic 03

The Proton S70 is the second Proton model to receive 5 stars under the 2021-25 protocol following the Proton X90. ASEAN NCAP surmised that the S70 deserved the 5-star rating for its abundant passive safety features as standard and ADAS as equipped on the higher variants.

Prices for the Proton S70 have also just been announced as follows:

  • 1.5 Executive – RM 73,800

  • 1.5 Premium – RM 79,800

  • 1.5 Flagship – RM 89,800

  • 1.5 Flagship X – RM 94,800

Also read: Priced from RM 74k, the Proton S70 launches in Malaysia; 1.5T 3cyl, Level 2 ADAS

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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