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WapCar Morning Insiders (Oct. 22, 2019)

Tasia · Oct 22, 2019 06:30 AM

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WapCar Morning Insiders (Oct. 22, 2019) 01

Proton has officially cut the ribbon to their new 3S centre in Kota Kinabalu. The new centre is run by Shirba Auto World Sdn Bhd and is the third Proton outlet to open in the city.

Shirba Auto 3S centres spans a total of 2,259 square metres and has a capacity to fit 12 service bays, 6 service hoists, a comfortable customer lounge and even offers free WiFi.


Mira Filzah wins a Nissan X-Trail Hybrid

WapCar Morning Insiders (Oct. 22, 2019) 02

As the official vehicle sponsor of the Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian 2019 (ABPBH), Edaran Tan Chong Motors is proud to present a brand new Nissan X-Trail Hybrid to winner Mira Filzah.

The 26 year old Ipoh sweetheart Mira Filzah has been making waves in the Malaysian entertainment industry with roles in Eksperimen Cinta, Sweet Dreams and Sangkar.


 The Penang Hill cable car project need to be studied

WapCar Morning Insiders (Oct. 22, 2019) 03

We can’t determine anything without a study as the entire viability of the project will also have to be first looked into,” said the Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow.

The Penang Hill cable car project received RM100 million allocation from the Federal Government. The project is expected to improve logistics and facilities to optimize the experience for tourists. Yet civil societies and non-governmental groups concerned that the carrying capacity of the hill. 


 WapCar Talks 

At RM 66k, the Proton Exora is the cheapest MPV to feature ESC

WapCar Morning Insiders (Oct. 22, 2019) 04

Photo by Daoudi Aissa on Unsplash

Unexpected slide or skidding is not something the average driver would want to experience. Especially when there are 6 passengers in the car. The good news is the invention of Electronic Stability Control (ESC), which helps mitigate skidding and the cheapest MPV to have this feature is the Proton Exora Premium at RM 66,800.

If there’s anything worse than an unanticipated skid, it’s skidding with 7 person on board. While the professionals make it look easy to control a slide, the reality is that most of us are just not trained for it. What rescued it from this awkward situation? Read this NOW!


 International News 

The Toyota C-HR GR Sport comes with 6MT

WapCar Morning Insiders (Oct. 22, 2019) 05

Gazoo Racing expands their portfolio yet again with the unveiling of the Toyota C-HR GR Sport. But bad news enthusiasts, because this car is only available in JDM-spec variant and only sold in Japan. 

The GR Sport version of the funky crossover is based off the recently updated version of the C-HR. So the C-HR GR Sport gets mechanical revisions of a new centre brace to boost body rigidity, muscled up coil springs, shock absorbers and stabilisers along with a modified steering feel for better direct response.


Mazda to introduce a new diesel engine in 2020

WapCar Morning Insiders (Oct. 22, 2019) 06

According to the head of R&D for Mazda's European division Christian Schultze, the company will take efforts into developing clean and efficient diesel engines.

He stated that Mazda believes the best way to think of real-world emissions is the life cycle of a car than merely focusing on the local emissions.

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