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Video: Chasing a FD2R in the Proton Saga R3 racecar on Sepang!

Adrian Chia · Oct 9, 2019 06:22 PM

We joined Proton R3 race team to catch up on their latest activities and were treated to a taxi ride in their newly built Proton Saga R3 racecar that is based on the new facelifted 2019 Proton Saga.

According to the engineers, the Saga was already a very competitive platform to begin with. This accelerated the development process and allowed the team to focus on fine-tuning the car’s settings.

Video: Chasing a FD2R in the Proton Saga R3 racecar on Sepang! 01

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Parts that were kept stock standard as per what you get on normal road cars you buy in showrooms includes the suspension arm links, bushings and chassis structure. All these parts are race-proven at the Malaysian Championship Series.

Modifications that were done to the car comprises of a racetrack-tuned 1.6-litre naturally aspirated engine with 170 – 180-wheel horsepower, close-ratio manual transmission, suspension, big brake kit, an aero kit and a stripped-out interior.

Video: Chasing a FD2R in the Proton Saga R3 racecar on Sepang! 01

This Proton Saga R3 racecar, piloted by veterans Admi Shahrul and Faidzil Alang, managed to clinch third overall finish at round 5 of the Malaysia Championship Series 2019.

Adrian Chia


Psychology graduate with over 4 years in the automotive industry, 3 in front of the camera. Occasionally seen at his family owned tyre shop. Will only buy cars that passes the big bottle test.

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