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Subaru warranty nearly expired? Here's an auto protection for you!

CY Foong · Oct 12, 2020 12:00 PM

Subaru warranty nearly expired? Here's an auto protection for you! 01

In order to provide customers with complete peace of mind and to ensure a higher resale value of their vehicles, TC Subaru Sdn Bhd has announced the Subaru Auto Protection Programme (SAPP).

Subaru warranty nearly expired? Here's an auto protection for you! 02

This programme is designed to provide Subaru customers whose warranty periods are near expiry with top-quality after-sales service, reduced maintenance costs, and complete ownership peace-of-mind with the use of genuine Subaru parts.

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Subaru warranty nearly expired? Here's an auto protection for you! 01

There are 2 value-for-money packages available which are the Silver Package (RM 1,300) and the Gold Package (RM 1,600). Below are what the packages offer for customers.

Subaru warranty nearly expired? Here's an auto protection for you! 02

To be eligible for the packages, the vehicle must be registered for less than 6 years and must have less than 100,000 km in mileage.

Subaru warranty nearly expired? Here's an auto protection for you! 03

Owners who wish to sign up for the SAPP packages must have their Subaru undergo and pass a 140-point inspection and maintain a full-service history with any authorised Subaru service centre. Any defects found during the inspection must be repaired by an authorised Subaru service centre before being accepted.

Subaru warranty nearly expired? Here's an auto protection for you! 04

Customers protected by the SAPP packages will also receive the following benefits:

  • 1-year Subaru Breakdown Assist coverage
  • 10% off body and paint, parts, and labour at all authorised Subaru repair centres
  • 10% off Subaru official merchandise
  • 10% off in-house grooming services (selected outlets)
  • 10% off standard retail parts not covered by the Subaru Auto Protection Programme
  • Free technical and diagnostic consultation at all Subaru authorised centres

Subaru warranty nearly expired? Here's an auto protection for you! 05

Interested customers can sign up for the SAPP packages by visiting any Subaru authorised service centre nationwide. More details on the SAPP packages can be found at Subaru’s site.

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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