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Safer than a Volvo: 2020 Mazda CX-30 smashes Euro NCAP’s record for adult occupant protection

Hans · Nov 15, 2019 11:07 AM

Mazda CX-30 EuroNCAP

The 2020 Mazda CX-30 has just recorded an almost perfect 99 percent score for Adult Occupant Protection in the latest Euro NCAP crash test, setting a new record.

This also means that the 2020 Mazda CX-30 is now the safest car ever tested by Euro NCAP, eclipsing the Volvo XC40, which previously held the title with a 97 percent score for adult occupant protection.

Mazda CX-30 EuroNCAP

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The five-star rated Mazda CX-30 scored equally well in other areas – 86 percent in child occupant protection (versus the Volvo XC40’s 87 percent), 80 percent for pedestrian protection (71 percent for the Volvo XC40), and 77 percent for advanced driving aids (76 percent for the Volvo XC40).

Mazda CX-30 EuroNCAP

Michiel van Ratingen, Secretary General of Euro NCAP said: “Congratulations to Mazda for another almost-perfect score in adult occupant safety. There are still several cars to be rated in 2019 but it is unlikely we will see better for this part of the assessment.”

The Mazda 3, which the CX-30 was based on, also scored a similarly high five-star rating, 98 percent for adult occupant protection, 87 percent for child occupant, 81 percent for pedestrian protection and 73 percent for advanced driving aids.

Mazda 3 EuroNCAP

For year 2018/2019, Euro NCAP is using a different, more stringent test methodology. Thus, all test results done in 2017 or earlier cannot be compared with 2018 and 2019 results.

Mazda CX-30 Japan

The Mazda CX-30 will be coming to Malaysia sometime in 2020. Plans for local assembly are under way but nothing has been confirmed yet. If the locally-assembly project materializes, we can expect prices to be cheaper than the Japan-made Mazda 3.

Safer than a Volvo: 2020 Mazda CX-30 smashes Euro NCAP’s record for adult occupant protection 04

Since both cars are nearly identical under the skin, a locally-assembled Mazda CX-30, should it materialize, will be the Mazda 3 for people who think the Mazda 3 is too expensive.

Mazda CX-30 Japan


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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