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Only 1 car is available for every 10 buyers of Toyota GR Corolla in NZ - 2nd round of balloting begins

Hans Β· Apr 7, 2023 11:09 AM

Only 1 car is available for every 10 buyers of Toyota GR Corolla in NZ - 2nd round of balloting begins 01

New Zealand is a very small car market. Selling less than 120,000 cars a year, the New Zealand car market is treated by car manufacturers as an extension of Australia (annual TIV of slightly over 1 million cars).

Despite its small size, NZ is home to a very vibrant enthusiast car market. Its trade borders are open (at least for cars) and vehicle importation is simple.

Only 1 car is available for every 10 buyers of Toyota GR Corolla in NZ - 2nd round of balloting begins 02

NZ sells 5x less cars than Malaysia but it's an open market and the turnout for Toyota NZ's GR Festival is an indication of the high demand for GR models there

This explains why Toyota has given New Zealand a disproportionately high 150 cars allocation for the Toyota GR Corolla. Orders collected however, is 10 times higher than the available supply of cars.

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As such, Toyota New Zealand has adopted a lottery-style ballot to determine who gets the cars. There will be three round of ballots, each with 50 cars.

The second round of ballot has just opened today, and will run for 10 days until 17-April.

Closer to home, the Toyota GR Corolla sells for RM 355,000.

Also readReview: Toyota GR Corolla - The enthusiast option for a one-car garage



Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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