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Mercedes-Benz Malaysia supports Budget 2024, targets xEV to make up 50% of sales by 2025

Shaun · Oct 17, 2023 03:11 PM

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia supports Budget 2024, targets xEV to make up 50% of sales by 2025 01

President and CEO of Mercedes-Benz Malaysia, Amanda Zhang

Mercedes-Benz has expressed its support for the 2024 budget announcement made by the Malaysian government, which promotes the adoption of electric mobility. This aligns with the global mission of Mercedes-Benz, known as Ambition 2039, which is a comprehensive strategy aimed at addressing climate protection and reducing air pollution.

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia supports Budget 2024, targets xEV to make up 50% of sales by 2025 02

The company firmly believes in the future of electric vehicles and has a well-defined roadmap to electrify its product range, all while striving to meet sustainability goals:

  • By 2025, Mercedes-Benz aims for 50% of its vehicles to be electrified vehicles (xEV), including Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV).
  • By 2030, they are prepared to transition from an "Electric First" approach to "Electric Only" wherever market conditions permit.
  • Their overarching goal by 2039 is to achieve net CO₂ neutrality along the entire value chain.

These ambitions are ingrained in their sustainable business strategy, and in Malaysia, the company is committed to implementing these principles across all aspects of its operations.

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Mercedes-Benz Malaysia supports Budget 2024, targets xEV to make up 50% of sales by 2025 01

In Malaysia, Mercedes-Benz has remained steadfast in its commitment to this strategy, consistently introducing new electric vehicles (EVs) over the past two years.

As a result, they now offer one of the most extensive portfolios of electric vehicles, featuring seven model variants. A significant milestone was reached with the local assembly (CKD) of the EQS 500 4Matic.

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia supports Budget 2024, targets xEV to make up 50% of sales by 2025 02

Their momentum continues to grow as they eagerly anticipate the arrival of the Mercedes-Benz EQS SUV this Friday, with plans to launch another all-electric model before year-end. These efforts underscore their dedication to providing innovative electric vehicles and contributing to a more sustainable future for their customers in Malaysia.

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia supports Budget 2024, targets xEV to make up 50% of sales by 2025 03

However, Mercedes-Benz acknowledges that achieving a sustainable future is a collaborative effort that extends beyond the company and the automotive industry. It requires forging new partnerships among automakers, suppliers, the energy sector, policymakers, and society at large.

In this context, they are pleased to see the inclusion of the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) in the budget. This roadmap focuses on key drivers, such as new energy sources and green mobility, offering a clear path toward a more sustainable future and emphasising the importance of green and clean energy solutions in Malaysia.

Also read: Budget 2024 on subsidies reform: RON 95 petrol safe for now, diesel and EV users targeted but solar incentives extended


Senior Writer

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