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Isuzu Buy and Win campaign concludes with two lucky winners

Jerrica ยท Oct 7, 2019 02:18 PM

Isuzu D-Max Buy and Win contest winner

The Isuzu D-Max Buy and Win contest that ran between April and June 2019 saw Ghanie Entalang of Sebauh, Sarawak and Sugumaran A/L Nagappan from Seremban walk away with another brand new Isuzu D-Max 2.5 Auto 4x4. 

Ghanie Entalang works as a scaffolder in Sebauh, Sarawak and is no stranger to the features that the Isuzu D-Max has to offer.

Sugumaran, whose business requires him to visit oil-palm plantations often, is new to the Isuzu family.

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Isuzu D-Max Buy and Win contest winner

Both men were surprised by their win and could hardly believe their luck claiming to have thought it was a scam when they were first informed of their win.

COO of Isuzu Malaysia Masayuki Suzuki handed over the prize to Ghanie at the KM Mobil Isuzu showroom in Bintulu while General Manager Kenkichi Sogo handed the prize to Sugumaran at the Jumbo Arena Isuzu showroom in Kluang.




There isnโ€™t a time in memory that doesnโ€™t involve staring at cars. After discovering the excitement of watching Schumacher vs Hakkinen, Formula 1 became a major part of life. The love for cars and F1 ultimately led to a job with CAR Magazine. The untimely death of the magazine meant a hiatus from cars at lifestyle womenโ€™s magazine Marie Claire before another opportunity came knocking again.

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