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Spyshot: New 2020 Toyota Hilux facelift seen, Malaysia debut in 2021?

Eric · Apr 8, 2020 03:38 PM

Spyshot: New 2020 Toyota Hilux facelift seen, Malaysia debut in 2021? 01

Photos depicting the new 2020 Toyota Hilux have emerged on social media, just moments after its SUV sibling, the Fortuner, was unmasked.

Spyshot: New 2020 Toyota Hilux facelift seen, Malaysia debut in 2021? 02

Thanks to MZ Crazy Car’s Facebook page, we now have a pretty good look at how the Hilux facelift is shaping up.

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Spyshot: New 2020 Toyota Hilux facelift seen, Malaysia debut in 2021? 01

Rendered image via Japanese publication Mag-X

For starters, there is a good chance that the Hilux’s front-end will be completely redesigned with a much larger front grille, likely inspired by the US-market Toyota Tundra.

Spyshot: New 2020 Toyota Hilux facelift seen, Malaysia debut in 2021? 02

As for the sides, we can expect the updated Hilux to feature new alloy wheels. If the side profile of this Hilux looks strange to you, it’s because this is a Thai-market Smart Cab – it gets rear suicide doors instead of regular doors. 

Spyshot: New 2020 Toyota Hilux facelift seen, Malaysia debut in 2021? 03

Under the hood, the Hilux facelift could get a revised 2.8-litre turbodiesel that bumps the power output to match the all-new, Thai-market Isuzu D-Max 3.0’s 190 PS power output.

Spyshot: New 2020 Toyota Hilux facelift seen, Malaysia debut in 2021? 04

At the moment, the current-generation Hilux’s 2.8-litre turbodiesel unit outputs 177 PS and 420 Nm.

Spyshot: New 2020 Toyota Hilux facelift seen, Malaysia debut in 2021? 05

The current Toyota Hilux was introduced here in 2016, and receive a minor update in 2018

The updated Toyota Hilux is expected to be introduced in Thailand later this year. As for Malaysia, we may need to wait till 2021 before the model is introduced here.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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Market fair trade-in price

2023 Toyota Hilux GR Sport 2.8 AT


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