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This Tesla Model 3's steering wheel fell off completely when the owner was still driving!

Jerrica ยท May 13, 2020 02:44 PM

Tesla Model 3 steering wheel fell off

Complains about sketchy panel gaps, paint issues, misaligned trim pieces, and poor lighting fitments have become common place when it comes to a Tesla vehicle. But the latest complain about a Tesla steering wheel falling off (while driving, no less) takes the cake!

A Tesla Model 3 owner in Blackpool, UK, tweeted about how his steering wheel have completely fallen off the drive column of his car. The owner was reportedly reversing into his driveway after returning from a 32 km journey when it happened. Thankfully, the steering didn’t fall off earlier when he was still on his way home on a highway.

Tesla Model 3 steering wheel fell off

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Since the owner took delivery of the car in mid-March right when the UK enforced the Covid-19 epidemic lockdown order, the Model 3 is essentially a new car and has only clocked a total distance of 547 km. The distance that the car has travelled is far less than the owner’s usual distance if there hadn’t been a lockdown.

Tesla has since collected the car and returned it the next day with the steering wheel properly attached (hopefully for good this time). They reported to the owner that the steering wheel had apparently fallen off because it wasn’t fixed to the body of the car with a bolt.

Tesla Model 3 steering wheel fell off

When contacted, the owner told the NY Post that Tesla will be conducting a thorough investigation into what happened during production. Meanwhile, the Driving and Cecile standards agency in the UK will also be looking into the matter.

While most of us see the humour in the situation, a steering wheel falling off, while driving no less, is a very dangerous matter. The steering wheel is the only form of control which direction to go for the car and losing it might lead to the car swerving into dangerous situations.

Tesla Model 3 steering wheel fell off

Just in case, we’ve done our research on what we should do if ever the steering wheel fails us while we’re driving. The best advice is to start braking and slowing down the car as quickly as possible. Also, don’t forget to turn on your hazard lights to inform drivers that you are encountering a problem and to avoid your slowing car.



There isnโ€™t a time in memory that doesnโ€™t involve staring at cars. After discovering the excitement of watching Schumacher vs Hakkinen, Formula 1 became a major part of life. The love for cars and F1 ultimately led to a job with CAR Magazine. The untimely death of the magazine meant a hiatus from cars at lifestyle womenโ€™s magazine Marie Claire before another opportunity came knocking again.

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