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Can Tesla Model 3 Performance do the same as the new Porsche Taycan on 0-90-0?

Tasia · Sep 10, 2019 07:00 PM

The all-electric Porsche pulled off a 0-90-0 spec of an impressive 10.17 seconds. That is what we learned from the teaser video.

Here comes a question: Can Tesla Model 3 Performance also do 10.17s on 0-90-0 time challenge? DÆrik will give you the answer!

This is not a joke

Background knowledge: you can buy THREE Model 3 Performance for the base price of one Taycan and still have $20,000 to spare.

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Can Tesla Model 3 Performance do the same as the new Porsche Taycan on 0-90-0? 01

DÆrik mentioned three things that need to be taken into account for the final outcome. 

Both Tesla Model 3 Performance in the video and the Porsche Taycan is equipped with carbon-ceramic brakes, which means both are with high-performance braking. The tires that DÆrik was using is stock tires, and that makes a difference. 

Meanwhile, DÆrik declared from the beginning of the video that the car he is driving at is a production car, while the Taycan in the video is more like a prototype. If that's true, according to him, it's unclear whether Porsche used the run-and-gun tactic and tinkered with everything.
The Porsche also has launch control, which Model 3 Performance doesn't. And it's unclear the state of charge of the Taycan.

This is when the Model 3 impressed us!

Put the 0-96.9 (VMax) aside, if we take the 0-90's 6.87s plus 90-0s 4.01s, the Tesla Model 3 Performance actually recorded 10.88 seconds, which is mind blowing!

The comparison is not 100% sure because Porsche's video description says 10.17 seconds while the video says 10.7 seconds. Either way, the Tesla Model 3 Performance certainly hold its own against the new player.

Can Tesla Model 3 Performance do the same as the new Porsche Taycan on 0-90-0? 02

Based on Porsche 10.17 second time: the Model 3 was 0.71 seconds slower.

Based on Porsche's 10.7 second time: the Model 3 was 0.18 seconds slower.

DÆrik also says that he will repeat the 0-90-0 mph time challenge again when Porsche Tayan is launched. And till then, we can expect the actual performance of Porsche Tayan.

Watch the Tesla Model 3 Performance 0-90-0 time challenge now and let us know your thoughts!

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