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Watch YS Khong tell you why Mazda is so singularly brilliant

Jason · Mar 10, 2021 10:30 AM

Watch YS Khong tell you why Mazda is so singularly brilliant 01

On a personal level, I have always adored the Mazda brand, and the things that it stood for. Since early days, Mazda always stood out by being different. Sure, that didn't always end up being a good thing, but that never stopped Mazda from defying convention.

Watch YS Khong tell you why Mazda is so singularly brilliant 02

But, when they got it right, boy did they get it right. Mazda was the first and only Japanese manufacturer to win Le Mans overall (until Toyota joined the party). And Mazda did it in the most Mazda way possible, with an engine no one else would go near.

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Watch YS Khong tell you why Mazda is so singularly brilliant 01

To this day, I have an undying (and unrequited, for now) love for the FD Mazda RX-7. It represents everyhing I love about Mazda. A sports car so achingly beautiful, and propelled by an engine so unconventional, it never fails to turn heads.

Watch YS Khong tell you why Mazda is so singularly brilliant 02

Today, Mazda is just as brilliantly unorthodox, and still makes achingly beautiful cars. More than that, they care about details, the little things. Watch YS Khong - Malaysian driving legend and friend of WapCar - share what Mazda means to him, and why it has a special place in his heart, as Mazda celebrates its 100th birthday. 


Road Test Editor

Jason's foremost passion is all things automotive, where he spent his formative working years as a Product Planner and Trainer. An Advanced Driving Instructor by training and an all-round enthusiast, Jason loves going into intricate details about driving dynamics. Will drive anything with 4 wheels and a steering.

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