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UMW Toyota has over 20k outstanding orders, on track to exceed 62k sales target

Hans · Sep 3, 2021 11:40 AM

UMW Toyota has over 20k outstanding orders, on track to exceed 62k sales target 01

UMW Toyota Motor is sitting on over 20,000 outstanding orders, according to documents sighted by Sources familiar with the matter said the company is banking on the resumption of manufacturing activities to catch up on its 62,000 units sales target announced earlier this year.

As of June 2021, Toyota had sold 33,705 units (23,232 passenger cars and 10,473 commercial vehicles), achieving 54 percent of its annual target.

UMW Toyota has over 20k outstanding orders, on track to exceed 62k sales target 02

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The problem for Toyota is not that it doesn’t have enough buyers, but that both its plants are located in Selangor – Bukit Raja and Shah Alam – the state most impacted by Covid-19-related restrictions.

Now that manufacturing activities have resumed, the company is aiming to fulfil the outstanding orders within this year.

UMW Toyota has over 20k outstanding orders, on track to exceed 62k sales target 01

Separately, we also understand that the company is confident that it could exceed its 62,000 sales target, supported by the resumption of business activities and the high number of orders collected. The company has told its dealers that it will be finalizing a new, higher sales target by the end of this month.

Also readPerodua reduces sales target by 10.8% to 214k units, sold 6,988 units in August

UMW Toyota has over 20k outstanding orders, on track to exceed 62k sales target 02

While other manufacturers are facing disruptions due to the global shortage in semiconductor chips, Toyota has enough stockpile of parts to see it through October.

UMW Toyota has over 20k outstanding orders, on track to exceed 62k sales target 03

Production of Toyota’s core models – the Vios, Yaris, and Hilux – remain unaffected, at least for now.

The Bukit Raja plant, which makes the Vios, Yaris, and soon the Corolla Cross, has an 80 percent utilization rate while the Shah Alam plant that makes the Hilux, Innova, Fortuner, and Hiace, is at 95 percent.   

Also read: UMWT announces RM 270m investment into CKD hybrids - Corolla Cross Hybrid?


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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