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This 238 PS AWD Geely Xingyue L is secretly a Volvo T5 underneath

Eric · Mar 31, 2021 03:20 PM

This 238 PS AWD Geely Xingyue L is secretly a Volvo T5 underneath 01

More details surrounding Geely’s latest SUV have been revealed. Just last month, the model’s name was confirmed as the Geely Xingyue L.

Now, the Hangzhou-based company has released the Xingyue L’s engine specifications, including performance data.

This 238 PS AWD Geely Xingyue L is secretly a Volvo T5 underneath 02

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Powering the Geely Xingyue L is a turbocharged 2.0-litre four-cylinder petrol engine, capable of delivering 238 PS and 350 Nm. The engine is mated to an Aisin eight-speed torque converter automatic transmission, sending power to all four wheels via a sixth-generation Haldex all-wheel drive system.

If it sounds familiar, it is because the Xingyue L's powertrain is largely similar to T5-badged Volvo models, barring the AWD system.

Also Read: The Geely KX11 has a name! It is officially the Xingyue L

This 238 PS AWD Geely Xingyue L is secretly a Volvo T5 underneath 01

This powertrain combination allows the Xingyue L to crack the 0-100 km/h sprint in just 7.7 seconds, whilst returning 7.7-litre/100 km.

This 238 PS AWD Geely Xingyue L is secretly a Volvo T5 underneath 02

Never mind the regular performance data, as Geely has even went as far as mentioning that the Xingyue L passes the controversy-shrouded moose test at 79 km/h. There was no mention if the moose test was conducted by a human or robotic controls fitted to the steering wheel.

Also Read: Why Toyota sucks so badly in moose tests, and should you believe it?

This 238 PS AWD Geely Xingyue L is secretly a Volvo T5 underneath 03

Geely could be showcasing the Xingyue L at the upcoming Auto Shanghai 2021 (21- to 28-April), followed by a market debut in May.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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