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The Volvo S60 T8 does 0-100 km/h in 4.4s, what cars can it keep up with?

Shaun · Nov 1, 2019 02:01 PM

Volvo S60 front

From the Twin Engine hybrid powerhouse in the Volvo S60 T8 that makes 407 PS with a twisting force 640 Nm, it does the century sprint in 4.4 seconds and makes the S60 one of the quickest cars you can buy this side of RM 300,000 (priced at RM 295,888).

Which brings us to the topic, what other cars is it as quick as?

BMW i8 coupe, 0-100 km/h 4.4 seconds

BMW i8 front

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Also a hybrid like the S60 T8, its 1.5-litre turbocharged 3-cylinder is supplemented by an electric motor to produce a combined output of 374 PS. It sprints to 100km/h from a standstill in 4.4 seconds, same as the S60.

At RM 1,408,800, the i8 is over a million ringgit pricier than the S60. But you’d get futuristic looks that will be an attention magnet just about anywhere you go. 

Lexus LC 500, 0-100 km/h 4.4 seconds

Lexus LC 500 front

By far the largest capacity engine here, the 5.0-litre naturally aspirated V8 makes 477 PS and 540 Nm of torque. The car propels to 100 km/h in the same amount of time as the S60.

Acceleration aside, the LC 500 is an exquisite piece of engineering with looks that came right out of a concept drawing board. It’s just a work of art. And not to forget the eargasmic sound the V8 makes.

Price to pay for all that? RM 1,242,000. Enough to buy the S60 four times over.

Mercedes-AMG GLA 45, 0-100 km/h in 4.4 seconds

Mercedes-AMG GLA 45 front

Priced at RM 413,888, the GLA 45 is powered by a 2.0-litre turbocharged 4-cylinder engine that makes 381 PS and 475 Nm of torque, 0-100 km/h is neck and neck with the S60.

The GLA 45 is rather close to the S60 in terms of pace and practicality since it has rear doors and a decent boot space, but it is over RM 100k pricier than the S60.

Volvo S60 rear light

What about cars the S60 is quicker than?

Volkswagen Golf R, 0-100 km/h in 5.1 seconds

Volkswagen Golf R front

At RM 305,562, the Golf R sits on the crown in the Golf lineup with the most power at 290 PS and 380 Nm of torque from a 2.0-litre turbocharged 4-cylinder engine.

But it is still no match for the mighty S60 as the Golf R sprints to the 100 km/h mark slower by 0.7 of a second.

Mercedes-AMG C43, 0-100 km/h in 4.7 seconds

Mercedes-AMG C43 front

The Mercedes-AMG C43 would be the nearest rival to the Volvo S60 T8, both are all-wheel drive sedans in the compact executive segment with around 400 horsepower. Price wise the C43 is RM 126k dearer than the S60 at RM 421,888.

Powered by a 3.0-litre twin turbochared V6 that produces 390 PS and 520 Nm of torque, it's just a touch less power compared to the S60 and does the 100 km/h sprint 0.3 seconds longer.

Volvo S60 front light

And here is a couple of cars that are quicker than the S60 by just a whiff.

Toyota GR Supra, 0-100 km/h in 4.3 seconds

Toyota GR Supra tracking shot

Despite its power deficit at 340 PS and 500 Nm of torque, the Supra makes up for it with less weight. Plus, some who have experienced the car, motoring journalists included, pointed out the same thing - it feels more than the power figure suggests.

So you’d have to spend a RM 273k premium over the S60 to go 0.1 second quicker to 100 km/h and you’d be losing 2 doors. But weight reduction bro.

BMW M2 Competition, 0-100 km/h in 4.2 seconds

BMW M2 Competition front

Launched here back in June earlier this year, the M2 competition replaces the standard M2 with a transplanted engine from the M3/M4 albeit slightly detuned.

The 3.0-litre twin turbo straight-six churns out 410 PS and 550 Nm of torque, just 3 PS more than the S60 T8. All that power goes to the rear wheels via a 7-speed dual clutch transmission (DCT).

Priced at RM 626,800, it’s about RM 100k per horsepower gained from the S60.

Volvo S60 front

Bottom line of this exercise?

This is by no means undervaluing any of the cars mentioned here, performance is just one aspect and each car has its own USP.

However, there is no denying that the Volvo S60 T8 is the quickest car money can buy for under RM 300k, to an extent that it is able to keep up with million-ringgit cars.


Senior Writer

The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.

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