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The Toyota Yaris Cross will get a Lexus BX twin, coming to Malaysia in 2023?

Hans · May 14, 2020 04:59 PM

The Toyota Yaris Cross will get a Lexus BX twin, coming to Malaysia in 2023? 01

Just as the Toyota C-HR has spawned the Lexus UX, the Toyota Yaris Cross will also spawn yet another baby Lexus, the Lexus BX.

Just when we thought the Lexus UX is the smallest Lexus, Chinese website autohome reports that Lexus is looking to launch a new Lexus BX in 2023.

Like the Lexus UX, the baby Lexus BX will have a completely different design from the donor Toyota model. However, it will share the same TNGA-B platform underneath.

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The Toyota Yaris Cross will get a Lexus BX twin, coming to Malaysia in 2023? 01

Powertrain will also mirror the Toyota Yaris Cross, a 1.5-litre three-cylinder naturally aspirated Dynamic Force engine, which is also available as a hybrid. The former is paired to a Direct Shift CVT-type automatic while the latter uses an E-CVT.

While a cheaper entry level Lexus crossover might sound interesting, the Lexus BX will most likely be offered only in Japan and Europe, similar to the Toyota Corolla Cross.

The Toyota Yaris Cross will get a Lexus BX twin, coming to Malaysia in 2023? 02

Lexus UX is based on the TNGA-C platform Toyota C-HR, so class-leading handling and comfortable suspension is a given

The Lexus BX won’t be offered in Malaysia for the same reason why the Toyota Yaris Cross won’t be sold here. It’s just too small and too expensive for our market.

The Toyota Yaris Cross is small, really small. It’s smaller than even the Mazda CX-3. Combine it with a high cost TNGA platform and high import duties, the Lexus BX won’t make any sense for Lexus Malaysia.

The Toyota Yaris Cross will get a Lexus BX twin, coming to Malaysia in 2023? 03


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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