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Tesla set to officially enter Malaysia: Bringing car sales, offices, service centres and Supercharger network

Sanjay · Mar 1, 2023 11:19 AM

Tesla set to officially enter Malaysia: Bringing car sales, offices, service centres and Supercharger network 01

Electric vehicle (EV) maker Tesla is set to enter Malaysia officially as announced by Tengku Zafrul, the Minister of International Trade & Industry (MITI).

Tesla set to officially enter Malaysia: Bringing car sales, offices, service centres and Supercharger network 02

Tesla will establish a head office, experience (showrooms) and service centres here, alongside setting up their fast-charging Supercharger network. The minister added that the American carmaker was the first applicant of MITI's BEV Global Leaders initiative that's aimed to spur EV demand here.

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This means that upon their arrival, customers can buy brand-new, officially-backed Tesla vehicles. As it is today, customers buying a Tesla vehicle in Malaysia need to get from the reconditioned market, which can prove sticky in matters like warranty claims.

Also read: Indonesia's investment minister is confident that Tesla will be injecting money into the country

Tesla set to officially enter Malaysia: Bringing car sales, offices, service centres and Supercharger network 01

A reconditioned Tesla at a dealer

Finer details such as when the brand will officially launch here, number of service centres/chargers, and models to be brought in are still not disclosed at point of publication.

In South East Asia, Tesla is officially present in Thailand and in Singapore, and were last reported to be in talks of setting up a production hub in Indonesia.


Senior Writer

With humble beginnings collecting diecast models and spending hours virtually tuning dream cars on the computer, his love of cars has delightfully transformed into a career. Sanjay enjoys how the same passion for cars transcends boundaries and brings people together.

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