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Stand a chance to turn your ride into a Hot Wheels toy car at Art of Speed 2023!

CY Foong · Jun 28, 2023 01:20 PM

Stand a chance to turn your ride into a Hot Wheels toy car at Art of Speed 2023! 01

For more than 50 years, Hot Wheels has been turning children into petrolheads. From racing those tiny wheels on orange-coloured tracks as kids to scalping them at cutthroat prices being hardcore collectors with matching rides as adults, Hot Wheels has been a mainstay for Malaysians and a lot of them are even made in Malaysia!

Stand a chance to turn your ride into a Hot Wheels toy car at Art of Speed 2023! 02

But now those dreams of having their actual cars being turned into a 1:64 scale in the iconic blue packaging are coming true as the Hot Wheels Legends Tour returns in Malaysia for the fourth time. Unlike the previous three searches, the 2023 leg will have the entries judged live for the first time ever.

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Stand a chance to turn your ride into a Hot Wheels toy car at Art of Speed 2023! 01

Click on the image to register!

Those hoping to stand a chance to see their wheels being reimagined as a Hot Wheels die-cast for sale in more than 150 countries around the world can drive their cars over at Art of Speed 2023 in MAEPS Serdang at 9 am on Sunday, 30-July 2023. Live judging will occur from 11 am to 1 pm and registration is free!

Stand a chance to turn your ride into a Hot Wheels toy car at Art of Speed 2023! 02

This custom Volkswagen Beetle-Bus mishmash from Indonesia was the overall winner from Asia-Pacific last year

On the same day, the judges will select the Top 10 and announce the sole winner that will represent Malaysia at the Global Semi-Finals taking place virtually in November 2023. The Malaysian winner will join other winners from the Asia-Pacific region for a chance to be voted Regional Fan Favourite and see their custom design transformed into a one-of-a-kind die-cast vehicle.

Stand a chance to turn your ride into a Hot Wheels toy car at Art of Speed 2023! 03

The judges (clockwise from top left): Alec, Matt, Aulia, Tengku Djan, and Dino

The competition will be judged by Global Hot Wheels Lead Packaging Designer, Matt Gabe along with Speedhunters’ Alec Pender and Dino Dalle Carbonare, Aulia Rahman from Galeri Kereta, as well as the Prince of Drift himself Tengku Djan.

Stand a chance to turn your ride into a Hot Wheels toy car at Art of Speed 2023! 04

Some of the cars that participated in this year's Hot Wheels Legends Tour in America.

Each submission will be judged on authenticity, how closely the build embodies the Hot Wheels spirit; creativity, how well the design stands out from the rest; and garage spirit, for how well the design exemplifies the attitude of “built not bought”.

Stand a chance to turn your ride into a Hot Wheels toy car at Art of Speed 2023! 05

Perhaps you might get up close with the Hot Wheels Saga?

Hot Wheels will have its biggest showing to date with 3 unique spaces within Art of Speed over 2 days on 29- and 30-July. Hall A will be home to the Hot Wheels x Proton collaboration showcase and where scalpers collectors can make their Hot Wheels purchases.

Also read: Blow your money on the Hot Wheels 1985 Proton Saga, Satria GTi and Wira next

Stand a chance to turn your ride into a Hot Wheels toy car at Art of Speed 2023! 06

Hall B is where the first ever Hot Wheels Collectors Convention in Southeast Asia will take place - fans can look forward to meet and greet with Hot Wheels designers, discussions about Hot Wheels cars through the decades, live auctions, a customised die-cast competition, Hot Wheels race, showcases, and activities conducted by Hot Wheels Skate School.

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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