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See the evolution of Proton’s logo from 1985 till today

Eric · Sep 24, 2019 03:12 PM

Proton logo slide

At the launch of Proton’s new logo, the company also showcased the previous logos that they used since the first Saga in 1985.

1985 Proton Saga emblem

The first Proton Saga wore a logo that is reminiscent of the Malaysian flag, featuring a yellow crescent located below a fourteen-pointed star. What made the first Proton logo truly stand out was the fact that it was illuminated. 

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1993 Proton Iswara emblem

Then in 1992 with the introduction of the Iswara, Proton introduced a refined version of its first logo, incorporating a smaller overall design and rounded edges. The Iswara is also the only Proton model to date that features the logo on door trims on each side of the car. 

2000 Proton Waja emblem

Proton retired its star and crescent logo several years later, introducing its Malaysian tiger motive logo in 2000 alongside the Waja. The introduction of the Malaysian tiger motive also meant that, for the first time ever, Proton utilized the same logo for both domestic and international markets. Previously, export models features a different, star motive logo. 

2008 Proton Persona emblem

Eight years later in 2008, Proton updated the Malaysian tiger motive logo – now with a monochrome design. First fitted to the Saga BLM, this logo could still be found on some modern day Proton models, despite the company introducing a new logo in 2016.

2019 Proton Saga emblem

The Malaysian tiger motif logo was updated again in 2016, this time without the Proton wording. The logo also featured a more three-dimensional design, while the Malaysian tiger motif also increased in size.

See the evolution of Proton’s logo from 1985 till today 05

Two years after partnering up with Geely, Proton introduced its new logo, which is an evolution of the current tiger motive design, but has been polished further to emphasize the four core elements of the brand's message - strength, agility, courageous, pride.

The previous tagline of 'It's In The Drive' has now been replaced with 'Inspiring Connections,' which is more current with today's trend towards connected mobility, where a car is no longer just about driving.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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