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RM 160 - RM 185k? Malaysian dealers share estimated price for 2023 Honda CR-V 1.5 VTEC Turbo, hybrid to come later

Arvind Β· Dec 4, 2023 10:39 AM

RM 160 - RM 185k? Malaysian dealers share estimated price for 2023 Honda CR-V 1.5 VTEC Turbo, hybrid to come later 01

As we close in on the upcoming launch of the 2023 Honda CR-V - expected later this month -  there is a lot of speculation surrounding the price increases of the new locally-assembled (CKD) 6th-generation model. 

With order books officially open, estimates by dealers that have been shared on social media peg the price of the 2023 CR-V 1.5-litre VTEC Turbo variants between RM 160k and RM 185k. There are no estimates yet of the range-topping CR-V 2.0-litre e:HEV RS hybrid variant which is expected to touch or even surpass the RM 200k mark.

Also read: All-new 2023 Honda CR-V: Dec launch, now with 2.0L hybrid, bookings open in Malaysia

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There is also the possibility of the CR-V RS' price being revealed at a later date, such as in the case of the Honda Civic.

Information is also scarce on the number of variants that will be offered, however, given the 2023 CR-V features the same powertrains as the Honda Civic it is likely there will be perhaps up to 3 1.5L Turbo variants, in addition to the flagship CR-V RS.

Also read: Another round of price up for Honda CR-V Hybrid in Indonesia, how much more expensive will it get for Malaysia?

RM 160 - RM 185k? Malaysian dealers share estimated price for 2023 Honda CR-V 1.5 VTEC Turbo, hybrid to come later 01

Thai model shown

From earlier reporting, it is expected that the all-new CR-V will see around 10-15 percent increase in price over its predecessor as seen in our neighbours.

To recap, these are the prices and range of the outgoing CR-V in Malaysia:

  • CR-V 2.0 2WD – RM 146,900
  • CR-V 1.5 TC-P 2WD – RM 165,800
  • CR-V Black Edition – RM 170,400
  • CR-V 1.5 TC-P 4WD – RM 171,400


Senior Writer

Arvind can't remember a time when he didn't wheel around a HotWheels car. This love evolved into an interest in Tamiya and RC cars and finally the real deal 1:1 scale stuff. Passion finally lead to formal training in Mechanical Engineering. Instead of the bigger picture, he obsesses with the final drive ratio and spring rates of cars and spends the weekends wondering why a Perodua Myvi is so fast.

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