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Proton to launch new EV brand, but it may not be Geely's Galaxy, Geometry more likely

Hans · May 20, 2024 04:47 PM

Proton to launch new EV brand, but it may not be Geely's Galaxy, Geometry more likely 01

When Proton New Energy Technology (Pro-Net) announced earlier today that it will be launching a new EV brand, we speculated that the brand in question could be Geely’s Galaxy.

This was based on our most recent experience with the Geely Group at the sidelines of the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, where the Galaxy brand’s models, especially the L7 plug-in hybrid (PHEVs), were presented to the international press. Note that in China, discussions on EVs include PHEVs.

Looking back into our archives, we suddenly recalled that in August 2022, we published spyshots of Geely Emgrand GSe in Shah Alam.

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Proton to launch new EV brand, but it may not be Geely's Galaxy, Geometry more likely 01

The Geely Emgrand GSe is a sister-car to the Geely Geometry M6. Geometry is Geely’s brand for low-cost electric vehicles aimed at budget-conscious buyers. It’s positioned one rank below Galaxy.

In April 2019, the Geometry brand made its international launch Singapore, with a Geometry A. Despite the high-profile launch, the model never arrived in Singapore. It was vapourware.

Few know about Geely’s Geometry brand, and fewer still were interested in following up on the topic, and by then, the collective consciousness of buyers interested in electric vehicles had moved on to BYD and Tesla.

The Geometry saga quickly forgotten.

Proton to launch new EV brand, but it may not be Geely's Galaxy, Geometry more likely 02

The Geometry M6 is about slightly bigger than a Proton X50, but smaller than an X70. It was previously known as the Geometry C.

In China, it’s offered with two battery sizes – the 53 kWh variant is good for 450 km, while the 70 kWh variant is good for 580 km. The claimed driving range is based on the CLTC test cycle.

The front motor makes 204 PS / 310 Nm, but top speed is limited to 150 km/h.

Proton to launch new EV brand, but it may not be Geely's Galaxy, Geometry more likely 03

Prices in China range from 149,800 Yuan to 189,800 Yuan. For reference, the BYD Atto 3’s price in China ranges from 119,800 Yuan to 147,800 Yuan.


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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