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Mercedes-Benz stops development of MB.EA large BEV platform amid slumping sales and price wars

Arvind · May 16, 2024 11:00 AM

Mercedes-Benz stops development of MB.EA large BEV platform amid slumping sales and price wars 01

In a significant shift in strategy, Mercedes-Benz has decided to halt development of its upcoming MB.EA large BEV platform due to declining sales in the BEV market. This decision comes as the automaker faces increasing competition and pricing pressure from Chinese manufacturers, which has impacted its profitability and market position.

Initially reported by the German newspaper Handelsblatt and later confirmed by Automobilwoche, the decision underscores the challenges Mercedes-Benz faces in its goal of switching completely to electric cars by 2030.

The company told Automobilwoche, "The pace of transformation will be determined by market conditions and the wishes of our customers," further revealing that the company will instead focus on improving the existing Electric Vehicle Architecture (EVA2), which currently underpins its large EQE and EQS range of models.

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Mercedes-Benz BEV platforms
Current After 2025
Compact cars - front-wheel drive A, B-Class, GLA, GLB, EQA
MMA (debut 2024)
Compact to medium BEVs - next-gen EQA, C-Class BEV
Mid to large cars - rear-wheel drive C, E, S-Class, GLC, GLE, GLS, EQC
Medium to Large EVs
Next-gen AMG BEVs
Vans - V-Class, Vito, EQV
Next-gen EQV

To recap, Mercedes-Benz's BEV lineup is built on three main platforms: MFA II, MRA, and EVA, with only the latter being exclusively dedicated to electric vehicles. The now-halted MB.EA platform was intended for medium, large and performance BEVs after 2025 as part of a broader strategy first announced in 2021.

This strategy also included the development of the Mercedes-Benz Modular Architecture (MMA) for compact and medium-sized cars, starting with the CLA BEV, and other specialized platforms such as AMG.EA for performance-oriented BEVs and VAN.EA for next-generation EQV and commercial vans.

Separately, in February 2024, CEO Ola Källenius told investors that Mercedes-Benz anticipates that by the end of the decade, electrified vehicles—including fully electric and PHEVs—will make up to half of its sales, and thus ICE-powered models might continue to be available "well into the 2030s" if market demand remains strong.

Also read: Mercedes-Benz: After 2025, some plants to be converted to only build EVs

Mercedes-Benz stops development of MB.EA large BEV platform amid slumping sales and price wars 01

The company's ambitious goal to dominate the BEV market by 2030 has been jeopardized by aggressive price competition from Chinese BEV manufacturers, who are rapidly expanding their market share with more affordable models. This has been further affected by spiralling costs to develop its in-house MB.OS operating system.

As Mercedes-Benz recalibrates its strategy, the focus will now be on optimizing the existing EVA platform, which is expected to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of its BEV production.

Mercedes-Benz stops development of MB.EA large BEV platform amid slumping sales and price wars 02

In earlier reporting, the planned developments for the EVA2 – to be dubbed EVA2M – will include reengineering the platform for 800V architecture and integrating the ATS 2.0 Drive system from the newer MMA platform, which features oil-cooled motors, an integrated 2-speed gearbox, and scalable sizes to adapt for different motors.

According to the same announcement, the next generation of vehicles – with updated platforms – will progressively be introduced starting in 2027 and will see Mercedes-Benz models (with engines) well into the 2030s, at least five years later than originally expected.


Senior Writer

Arvind can't remember a time when he didn't wheel around a HotWheels car. This love evolved into an interest in Tamiya and RC cars and finally the real deal 1:1 scale stuff. Passion finally lead to formal training in Mechanical Engineering. Instead of the bigger picture, he obsesses with the final drive ratio and spring rates of cars and spends the weekends wondering why a Perodua Myvi is so fast.

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