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Mercedes-Benz Malaysia rolls out its bigger and better extended limited warranty programme

Dinesh ยท Oct 17, 2022 04:34 PM

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia rolls out its bigger and better extended limited warranty programme 01

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia together with Mercedes-Benz Services Malaysia have announced the introduction of its upgraded Extended Limited Warranty Programme for all Mercedes-Benz customers in Malaysia.

The programme is offered for vehicles in their fifth and sixth year, adding more value and comprehensive coverage for customers throughout their ownership journey with the marque.

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia rolls out its bigger and better extended limited warranty programme 02

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Flexibility is one of the key aspects for the programme, placing optional Essential or Comprehensive plans for a one-year or two-year subscription with coverage up to RM250,000 per plan.

All components replaced under the programme is further covered by a 24-month Mercedes-Benz Parts guarantee which allows for free repairs or replacements at any Mercedes-Benz authorised service network beyond the extended warranty period.

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia rolls out its bigger and better extended limited warranty programme 01

In the case of vehicles not exceeding 125,000 km before entering the fifth year of ownership or not crossing 150,000 km before the sixth year, the programme provides unlimited mileage coverage.

The Essential Coverage package covers key components such as air-conditioning, brakes, engine, front-wheel drive, power windows, steering, rear wheel drive in addition to suspension and transmission.

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia rolls out its bigger and better extended limited warranty programme 02

As for the Comprehensive Coverage, it covers nine additional components on top of the Essential package including active and passive safety components, airmatic struts, audio system, ECU and tyre pressure monitoring system, instrument cluster, sensors, all other control units and electrical components, in addition to rear entertainment system for selected models.

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia rolls out its bigger and better extended limited warranty programme 03

The Extended Limited Warranty Programme can be opted in during or after vehicle purchase, for both new and pre-owned within the first four years from registration date. All insured customers will be entitled to a total claimable value of RM 125,000 (Essential plan) and RM 150,000 (Comprehensive plan) for individually purchased plans and RM 200,000 (Essential plan) and RM 250,000 (Comprehensive plan) for customers that purchase combined fifth and sixth-year coverage.

If youโ€™re wondering, the programme itself is undertaken by Mercedes-Benz Services Malaysia and underwritten by AXA Affin General Insurance Berhad.



โ€œBetter late than never.โ€ Some despise it, others begrudgingly agree with it but he swears by itโ€ฆ much to the chagrin of everyone around him. That unfortunately stems from all of his project cars not running most of the time, which in turn is testament to his questionable decision-making skills in life. A culmination of many wrongs fortunately making a right; much like his project cars on the rare occasions they run, heโ€™s still trying to figure out if another project car is the way to go.

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