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Malaysia-bound Xpeng to launch cheaper sub-brand in China next month; moves into BYD's space with BEVs starting from ~RM 65k

Sanjay · Mar 18, 2024 09:51 AM

Malaysia-bound Xpeng to launch cheaper sub-brand in China next month; moves into BYD's space with BEVs starting from ~RM 65k 01

Malaysia-bound battery electric vehicle (BEV) maker Xpeng announced that it will launch a new, cheaper brand in China next month, aiming to introduce vehicles ranging from RMB 100,000 (~RM 66k) to RMB 150,000 (~RM 98k).

Xpeng chairman and CEO He Xiaopeng revealed at the China EV100 Forum in Beijing that the models from this sub-brand will be aimed at the global market, and will also be equipped with "AI-assisted" technology.

Not much of the brand's upcoming models were shared save for a silhouette of a sedan, so specifications and details are still under wraps until a later time.

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Malaysia-bound Xpeng to launch cheaper sub-brand in China next month; moves into BYD's space with BEVs starting from ~RM 65k 01

Xpeng X9

What is known however is that this will heat up competition in the ever-competitive mass-market segment in China, one that's known for its intensity as companies race to cut prices of their models.

Up till now, Xpeng is arguably best-known as the China's most like-for-like competitor to Tesla, given that its range is purely BEVs, and priced to fit the premium slice of the market. Their models usually hover around the RMB 200,000 (~RM 131k) to RMB 300,000 (~RM 197k) range, comprising of sedans, SUVs, and MPVs.

Also read: Xpeng X9 is an EV land yacht: up to 500 PS and 702 km, price equals to RM 255k in China

Malaysia-bound Xpeng to launch cheaper sub-brand in China next month; moves into BYD's space with BEVs starting from ~RM 65k 02

The Xpeng G6 - widely reported as the brand's first RHD car

With this new brand, the Guangzhou-based carmaker will be taking the fight straight to BYD's mass-market segment. BYD's BEVs are usually priced around the RMB 100,000 (~RM 66k) to RMB 200,000 (~RM 131k) in China.

Xpeng is confirmed for Malaysia, with Bermaz Auto holding the distributorship rights for the brand here.

Also read: Bermaz confirmed to launch XPeng in Malaysia


Senior Writer

With humble beginnings collecting diecast models and spending hours virtually tuning dream cars on the computer, his love of cars has delightfully transformed into a career. Sanjay enjoys how the same passion for cars transcends boundaries and brings people together.

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