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MAA: April 2024 sees 58k cars sold in Malaysia, 18 percent down from March

Arvind · May 20, 2024 02:00 PM

MAA: April 2024 sees 58k cars sold in Malaysia, 18 percent down from March 01

The Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) has reported that 57,991 new cars were sold in April 2024, marking an 18.3% decline from the 71,052 units sold in March 2024.

However, Year-to-date (YTD) sales figures for April 2024 reveal a Total Industry Volume (TIV) of 260,236 units, which is still 8 percent higher than the 240,417 units recorded during the same period in 2023. Note, this period last year followed the end of the sales tax exemption period on 31-March, 2023.

MAA attributed the April sales slump to the shorter working month due to the Hari Raya festive holidays.

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Also read: MAA: March 2024 sees 74k cars sold in Malaysia, 10% more than February

MAA: April 2024 sees 58k cars sold in Malaysia, 18 percent down from March 01

Production output also saw a 15 percent decline, with 56,895 units produced in April 2024 compared to 66,923 in March 2024, likely influenced by the holiday period as well. However, the figure represents a 38 percent increase compared to the same period last year.

Likewise, YTD figures for production is also 12 percent higher with 267,326 units in the first four months of this year versus 239,554 units in the same period in 2023. 

Looking ahead, MAA expects car sales in May 2024 to be slightly higher than in April.


Senior Writer

Arvind can't remember a time when he didn't wheel around a HotWheels car. This love evolved into an interest in Tamiya and RC cars and finally the real deal 1:1 scale stuff. Passion finally lead to formal training in Mechanical Engineering. Instead of the bigger picture, he obsesses with the final drive ratio and spring rates of cars and spends the weekends wondering why a Perodua Myvi is so fast.

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