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Long live the manual gearbox!

Shaun · Oct 31, 2019 12:05 PM

Porsche 911 manual lever

The demise of manual gearboxes may not be imminent after all, at least not at Porsche because they have just announced the option for a manual for the new 911, 992 generation. US market only for now.

Porsche 911 side

The latest 911 was launched with an 8-speed dual clutch (PDK) only option globally. And the thing about Porsche is that they listen to their customers’ demands.

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Case in point would be the previous generation 911 (991.1) GT3 that came with PDK only and purists around the world moaned for a manual. So they brought back the 6-speed manual for the facelifted 911 (991.2) GT3 .

Porsche 911 GT3 interior

Manual transmission on the 911 (991.2) GT3

Now manual transmissions are no longer seen as the entry level option but instead a conscious, enthusiast decision and because it’s produced at a relatively low volume, it will not be cheap.

But even so, Porsche, which is an enthusiast brand, maintains and highlights that there is no additional charge for the 7-speed manual option as an alternative to the PDK for the Carrera S models, base Carrera models will stick to PDK at the moment.

The 7-speed manual comes paired with a standard Sport Chrono Package, which includes Dynamic Drivetrain Mounts, PSM Sport Mode, a rev-match function and the mode switch on the steering.


Senior Writer

The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.

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