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Hyundai Nexo Wins Top Safety Pick+ Award

Gemma · Aug 12, 2019 01:20 PM

The IIHS test helps the public to shake the "explosive" image of Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

As the first hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (HFCV) to be tested by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), Hyundai Nexo SUV is entitled Top Safety Pick + by the organization. The vehicle first appeared at the International Consumer Electronics Show in 2018.

Hyundai Nexo Wins Top Safety Pick+ Award 01

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To get the Top Safety Pick +, the first thing a vehicle needs to do is be able to withstand a series of crash tests.

Simply as it might sound - to withstand a series of crash tests, it is not easy to gain the Top Safety Pick +. To pocket this highest rank, the test vehicle must not only to survive, but earn a good marks on the driver-side small overlap front crash, the passenger-side small overlap front crash, the moderate overlap front crash, the side impact crash, roof strength, and head restraints and seats.

Hyundai Nexo Wins Top Safety Pick+ Award 01

According to IIHS, Nexo have received good grades in all six crash tests: meets the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) standards on a front-side crash warning system, and avoids crashes in track tests of 12 miles per hour and 25 miles per hour.

Other Hyundai models, including Elantra, Sonata, Kona, Tucson and Santa Fe, also joined the test and won the Top Safety Pick Award.

Click the video below and check out the 1st IIHS hydrogen car crash test on Hyundai Nexo yourself. Crash Alarm!!

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