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Honda unveils new simplified logo - To be used on future EV models from 2026

CY Foong · Jan 10, 2024 10:20 AM

Honda unveils new simplified logo - To be used on future EV models from 2026 01

Honda’s iconic H is one of the most famous and simplest automotive marques with the current iteration dating back to 1981. The H mark has been placed on every single Honda car model since it ventured into automotive production 50 years ago.

Honda unveils new simplified logo - To be used on future EV models from 2026 02

With Honda committed to having a complete 100% range of fully-electric vehicles (EVs) and fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) by 2040, Honda has announced a new redesigned H mark at the ongoing CES 2024 in Las Vegas.

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Honda unveils new simplified logo - To be used on future EV models from 2026 01

In its official press release, the redesign expresses Honda’s determination to pursue the transformation as well as its corporate attitude of going beyond its origin and constantly pursuing new challenges and advancements.

Also read: Honda redefines its "Power of Dreams" slogan to be beyond just providing cars and motorcycles

Honda unveils new simplified logo - To be used on future EV models from 2026 02

“This design expression, like two outstretched hands, represents Honda’s commitment to augment the possibilities of mobility and sincerely serve the needs of the users of Honda EVs,” Honda described the new simplified H mark. It will be used on the next-generation EVs of Honda including the Honda 0 Series models.

Honda unveils new simplified logo - To be used on future EV models from 2026 03

The Honda 0 Series will be Honda’s latest global EV series which is planned to be launched in 2026. Two concepts were unveiled at CES 2024 – the Honda Saloon and Honda Space-Hub while North America was announced as the debut market for the 0 Series EV range.

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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