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Honda Malaysia to hit 900,000 cumulative unit sales, giving away nine cars

Robert · Jul 30, 2019 02:16 PM

Honda Malaysia to hit 900,000 cumulative unit sales, giving away nine cars  01

  • Honda Malaysia set to hit 900,000 cumulative unit sales in Q3 2019
  • Road to 900,000th Unit Milestone Campaign - Nine Honda models to be given away as prizes

Established in 2002 as a joint venture between Honda Motor Co., DRB-Hicom, Honda Malaysia, and Oriental Holdings, Honda Malaysia has come a long since it first locally-assembled a CR-V at the company’s plant in Melaka in 2003.

The company is expected to reach a new milestone of achieving 900,000 units in cumulative sales by the third quarter of 2019.

To commemorate the achievement, Honda Malaysia has announced the Road to 900,000th Unit Milestone campaign, which will take place from August until September. The campaign will see Honda Malaysia giving away nine Honda models - Jazz, City, BR-V, HR-V, City, Hybrid, HR-V Hybrid, Civic, CR-V, and Accord – to lucky Malaysians.

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To participate, customers will have to participate in a series of challenges to obtain their ‘entry ticket.’ The more tickets they accumulate, the higher their chances of winning. The activities include spotting and taking pictures of the hidden Honda car name emblem, test driving Honda models and servicing* Honda cars at any authorized Honda dealers. Customers who place bookings or register their Honda cars on 1st August – 22nd September 2019 (terms and conditions apply) are also entitled to the tickets.

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