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Honda Malaysia announces recall for MY2018 Honda CR-V models

Robert · Jul 31, 2019 04:37 PM

Honda Malaysia announces recall for MY2018 Honda CR-V models 01

A total of 7,050 units of the Honda CR-V models manufactured in year 2018 will be recalled to replace the vehicle’s gear knob’s push button. This is a precautionary measure that the recall is limited only to CR-V models manufactured in 2018.

All CR-V models currently on sale, as well as other models sold by Honda Malaysia, are not affected by this recall.

According to Honda Malaysia, the voluntary recall is to address the possibility of customers facing difficulty with the 2018 CR-V’s transmission lever when shifting from parking position to other gear positions.

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The replacement of the affected gear push knob button is free of charge and all cost related to this replacement activity will be borne by Honda Malaysia. All affected customers will be informed via notification letters. Customers who receive the letter are advised to send their vehicles to the nearest Honda authorized dealers for inspection. The replacement stock will be available in stages.

Vehicle owners can obtain more information on this product update campaign by calling Honda Toll Free number at 1-800-88-2020 or log on to


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