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Gentari and SEDCE a step closer to joining forces to build Sarawak's first centralised hydrogen hub

Arvind · Feb 26, 2024 03:00 PM

Gentari and SEDCE a step closer to joining forces to build Sarawak's first centralised hydrogen hub 01

Clean energy solutions provider Gentari through its subsidiary Gentari Hydrogen has signed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) with SEDC Energy (SEDCE), a subsidiary of the Sarawak Economic Development Corporation for the joint development of a centralised hydrogen production hub in Sarawak’s Bintulu, to be known as the Sarawak H2 Hub.

The document exchange was witnessed today at the Borneo Energy Transition Conference (BETC2024) in Kuching, by the Premier of Sarawak Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Johari Tun Abang Haji Openg. 

Gentari and SEDC Energy had previously entered into a Strategic Collaboration Agreement to explore potential collaborations in the development and provision of integrated clean energy solutions and contribution to policy and regulatory development in the state.

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The planned global-scale hydrogen production hub in Bintulu is intended to serve as the sole supplier of green hydrogen for downstream facilities in the Bintulu division area, managed by a joint venture company to be formed by Gentari and SEDCE, which will also be responsible for optimising all hydrogen production projects within the region.

Michèle Azalbert, Chief Hydrogen Officer, Gentari said “Malaysia is well-placed to be a clean hydrogen hub in ASEAN, led by states such as Sarawak with its ample sustainable resources. We believe that hydrogen is the way forward and we are committed to contributing towards Sarawak’s Hydrogen Economy Roadmap, in addition to the Malaysian government’s vision and objectives in the Hydrogen Economy and Technology Roadmap (HETR). Hydrogen’s role in decarbonising sectors like energy, transportation, and petrochemicals globally cannot be understated, and the demand for low carbon hydrogen derivatives is a testament to its rising significance."

Also read: Gentari wants to expand hydrogen supply biz, welcomes Budget 2024's recognition for EV and home solar services

Gentari and SEDCE a step closer to joining forces to build Sarawak's first centralised hydrogen hub 01

Hydrogen filling station in Sarawak shown

Sarawak is positioning itself to be a commercial hydrogen producer by 2027 with the vision of transitioning the state into a hydrogen economy. The SEDCE has also been tasked to kickstart the new energy ecosystem in Sarawak in line with the state government’s vision to emphasise the use of new and cleaner energy.

“This strategic partnership between SEDCE and Gentari for the Sarawak H2 hub will be a significant undertaking as this will spur more developments and attract new investments, especially in the new energy sector. Hydrogen will play a role in the energy transition and as highlighted in the National Energy Transition Roadmap, Sarawak’s role in advancing this development is worthwhile to note. It resonates well with our approach to collaboration internationally and domestically,” added Robert Hardin, CEO of SEDCE.



Senior Writer

Arvind can't remember a time when he didn't wheel around a HotWheels car. This love evolved into an interest in Tamiya and RC cars and finally the real deal 1:1 scale stuff. Passion finally lead to formal training in Mechanical Engineering. Instead of the bigger picture, he obsesses with the final drive ratio and spring rates of cars and spends the weekends wondering why a Perodua Myvi is so fast.

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