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Already No.1 in after-sales, UMW Toyota Motor introduces the 'Extra Mile' ownership experience

Arvind · Aug 25, 2022 10:00 AM

Already No.1 in after-sales, UMW Toyota Motor introduces the 'Extra Mile' ownership experience 01

American author Zig Ziglar once said, “there are no traffic jams on the extra mile” – meaning to say for those who strive harder and longer than anyone else, well, those lonely roads are only taken by the few.

Going the extra mile also requires constant evolution to stay ahead of the game, hence while UMW Toyota Motor already sells amongst the world’s most reliable cars, they are now going further by offering a seamless car ownership journey from the moment customers walk into a showroom to the many years of ownership that come after.

UMW Toyota Motor’s latest sales and after-sales package seek to reimagine quality car ownership by going the extra mile to provide Toyota owners with the best financial and insurance packages, quality service, and Toyota 24Seven roadside assist. 

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The Toyota Extra Mile initiative exists to provide customers with a total peace of mind car ownership experience, from buying to maintenance to security.

Already No.1 in after-sales, UMW Toyota Motor introduces the 'Extra Mile' ownership experience 01

Buying your Toyota vehicle

For sales, the new Extra Mile initiative offers a range of financial services from Toyota aimed at offering customers ultimate flexibility and ease of ownership.

Starting with the vehicle purchase, Toyota offers a range of flexible financial services that range from Subscription Plans, Green Financing to flexible instalment packages for all budget ranges.

Upon purchase, insuring a Toyota is made easier with attractive benefits that include Toyota 24SEVEN Road Assist Membership, fast claim approvals, no policy excess and betterment charges (for up to 12 years) – all designed to get you back on the road in record time.

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Already No.1 in after-sales, UMW Toyota Motor introduces the 'Extra Mile' ownership experience 02

Peace of mind maintenance

Once on the road, keep your Toyota running smooth and safe with Toyota Extra Mile service offers. Through the Toyota MaxCheck program, your Toyota is assured of getting the most professional and comprehensive care carried out by Toyota-trained technicians.

MaxCheck offers various service packages that suit your budget and vehicle. Crucially, rest assured that only Toyota genuine parts will be used, guaranteeing quality, reliability and value retention for years to come.

Separately, the Toyota Loyal-T program rewards customers with points that can be accumulated and redeemed for maintenance packages later on.

Already No.1 in after-sales, UMW Toyota Motor introduces the 'Extra Mile' ownership experience 03

Keeping you in touch with your Toyota

Of course, great service and support only matter if you can stay in touch.

Thus, stay in touch with Toyota through their seamless Vehicle Telematics System (VTS). VTS is a smartphone-enabled app that connects you and your Toyota to all the support and data you need.

Through the VTS system, connectivity is at your fingertips with features such as the Vehicle Locator, Trip History, and Dispatch SOS features.

Already No.1 in after-sales, UMW Toyota Motor introduces the 'Extra Mile' ownership experience 04

Perhaps most importantly is the 24-Hour Recovery Support, which offers round-the-clock support with the VTS app to dispatch emergency services directly to your location.

The Toyota 24Seven app also allows customers to easily and conveniently schedule their next service, or even request for roadside assistance if they're caught in a tight spot - a flat 12V battery, punctured tyre or post-accident towing, for example.

Owning a Toyota goes beyond just the build quality and thrill of driving it – and thus, the company now seeks to go the Extra Mile to give customers excellent sales and after sales services for a smoother and more peaceful drive.

For more information, visit UMW Toyota Motor’s official website or call the Toyota freephone line at 1- 800-8-TOYOTA (869682).


Senior Writer

Arvind can't remember a time when he didn't wheel around a HotWheels car. This love evolved into an interest in Tamiya and RC cars and finally the real deal 1:1 scale stuff. Passion finally lead to formal training in Mechanical Engineering. Instead of the bigger picture, he obsesses with the final drive ratio and spring rates of cars and spends the weekends wondering why a Perodua Myvi is so fast.

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