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2019 Nissan X-Trail discontinued in Thailand - Replacement soon?

CY Foong Β· Aug 7, 2020 05:22 PM

2019 Nissan X-Trail discontinued in Thailand - Replacement soon? 01

The current-gen Nissan X-Trail has been around Malaysia since 2015 with the facelifted model launched in 2019. While we have previously predicted that the new T33 X-Trail might arrive here in 2022, Thailand could get it earlier. Much earlier.

Our friends at Autofun has discovered that the current T32 X-Trail has been removed from Nissan Thailand’s website. The site only shows 2 SUV models on offer, the Kicks e-Power and Terra.

2019 Nissan X-Trail discontinued in Thailand - Replacement soon? 02

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A source told Autofun that following a huge discount campaign on the X-Trail in May, sales went through the roof to the point that current production units are out of stock!

Just like in Malaysia, Thailand received the facelift T32 X-Trail in 2019 albeit a little earlier in February. The facelifted T32 X-Trail was launched in Malaysia in March 2019.

2019 Nissan X-Trail discontinued in Thailand - Replacement soon? 01

The T33 X-Trail made its world debut back in June as the Rogue in the United States. We did a comparison between the two generations and the T33 definitely ups the current-gen in terms of style and tech.

2019 Nissan X-Trail discontinued in Thailand - Replacement soon? 02

According to Autofun, there are speculations that the 2021 T33 X-Trail might arrive in Thailand by the end of the year or early 2021. Will the T33 come to Malaysian shores sooner too?

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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Market fair trade-in price

2019 Nissan X-Trail 2.0 2WD


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