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2 November - 8 November 2019 Fuel Price Update: RON 97 down 3 sen

Adrian Chia ยท Nov 1, 2019 06:50 PM

2 November -  8 November 2019 Fuel Price Update: RON 97 down 3 sen 01

Halloween weekend parties is not the only thing to look forward to for users who frequent the green pump. The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has announced that prices for RON 97 is down by 3 sen for the coming week.

Starting tomorrow, from 2 - 8 November, the fuel prices are:

  • RON 95 - RM 2.08 per litre (unchanged)
  • RON 97 – RM 2.56 per litre (down 3 sen)
  • Euro2M Diesel – RM 2.18 per litre (unchanged)
  • Euro 5 Diesel – RM 2.28 per litre (unchanged)

The price of RON 97 petrol is adjusted weekly, while prices of RON 95 petrol, Euro 2M diesel, and Euro 5 diesel are capped at their respective prices until further notice.

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Adrian Chia


Psychology graduate with over 4 years in the automotive industry, 3 in front of the camera. Occasionally seen at his family owned tyre shop. Will only buy cars that passes the big bottle test.

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