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Kia Corporation has achieved another global sales record in 2024 recording global sales at 3,089,457 vehicles—a slight increase of 0.1% compared to 2023’s previous record of 3,087,384 units. The Kia Sportage emerged as the company’s top-selling model, contributing significantly to this achievement with an impressive 587,717 units sold globally, accounting for over 19 percent of the company's total tally. Excluding special purpose vehicles, Kia’s sales outside Korea grew by 1% year-on-year, reach
Australia's automotive landscape in 2024 revealed quite a striking trend: hybrid and plug-in hybrid (HEVs, PHEVs) vehicles were the only electrified segments to show sales growth for the year compared to 2023, according to Vfacts data reported by WhichCar. Hybrid sales experienced a dramatic surge, climbing to 172,696 units in 2024, a remarkable 76% increase from the 98,105 units sold the previous year. PHEVs also saw a significant uptick, with 23,163 vehicles sold—a 100% jump compared to the 11
Despite once promising Proton to not enter the larger and more lucrative right-hand drive (RHD) markets in the ASEAN region, Geely has broken said word by launching its global battery electric vehicle (BEV) model, the Geely EX5 in Thailand in November 2024. In early December, P1’s Chinese parent also announced that it formed a strategic partnership with five prominent Indonesian dealers as it looked to expand into the archipelago. While none of the 5 dealers’ names were mentioned in the initial
Toyota has reached a major milestone in Australia, delivering its 500,000th hybrid electric vehicle (HEV)—a RAV4—during December 2024, rounding off a record year for electrified sales. In 2024, Toyota sold 118,081 hybrids, a 63.8% surge from 72,084 in 2023, marking the first time a single brand or the industry has exceeded 100,000 hybrid sales in a year. Hybrids accounted for 48.9% of Toyota’s total sales, up from 33.5% last year, with electrified models, including the bZ4X and Mirai, making up
The Bank of Thailand (BoT) has raised concerns about the uncertain trajectory of new car sales over the next few years, citing the economy's uneven recovery as well as other key factors such as the ageing population and changing market trends. Citing a Q4 2024 report by Thailand’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), Bangkok Post reports that new car sales this year remain highly uncertain, no less after lacklustre sales in 2024. Besides a drop in purchasing power and slow economic recovery, the BoT