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UMW Toyota Motor sets new yearly sales record; 108,107 units in 2023, up 7% from year before

Sanjay Β· Jan 5, 2024 03:19 PM

UMW Toyota Motor sets new yearly sales record; 108,107 units in 2023, up 7% from year before 01

UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd (UMWT) concluded 2023 on a positive note, cracking the company's highest-ever sales figures with 108,107 units sold in the year, reflecting a 7% year-on-year growth compared to its 101,035 cumulative sales in 2022. The last sales record was in 2012, with 105,151 units sold.

December was a major contributor to 2023's figure, with 10,402 units sold of both Toyota and Lexus cars. This comprised 10,079 units for Toyota and 323 units for Lexus. 

Meanwhie, UMWT served 1,342,130 returning customers for its aftersales services.

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UMW Toyota Motor sets new yearly sales record; 108,107 units in 2023, up 7% from year before 01

Datuk Ravindran K., President of UMWT, expressed gratitude to customers for their unwavering support. He stated, β€œWith heartfelt gratitude to all our customers for their unwavering support, this year-end, UMWT renews our commitment to Move Your World."

"We persist in our efforts to offer an enriched mobility experience through our Toyota cars and extend access to ownership for potential customers. Our commitment to achieving excellence and fostering innovation in the automotive industry remains unwavering, ensuring the best offerings for our drivers and stakeholders," continued Datuk Ravindran.

In support of Malaysia's goal to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, Toyota reaffirms its commitment to sustainable mobility, and in its alignment, will introduce more xEV models in 2024.

Also read: Spied: This is the 2024 Toyota Vios GR Sport, to share hybrid powertrain with Yaris Cross; arriving next year


Senior Writer

With humble beginnings collecting diecast models and spending hours virtually tuning dream cars on the computer, his love of cars has delightfully transformed into a career. Sanjay enjoys how the same passion for cars transcends boundaries and brings people together.

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