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Next-gen Mitsubishi Triton could get PHEV option, 2023 launch likely

Eric Β· Sep 21, 2021 10:24 AM

Next-gen Mitsubishi Triton could get PHEV option, 2023 launch likely 01

In light of ever-tightening emission regulations, Mitsubishi has hinted that the next-generation Mitsubishi Triton could feature a plug-in hybrid (PHEV) option.

Next-gen Mitsubishi Triton could get PHEV option, 2023 launch likely 02

This is in-line with their earlier announcement, saying ‘electric vehicles for every model by 2030’, which also includes an electrified Mitsubishi Triton (electrified vehicles here refer to xEV, not necessarily limited to battery electric vehicles (BEVs). The next generation Mitsubishi Triton is scheduled to make its world debut sometime in late-2022 or early-2023.

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Also Read: New Mitsubishi Triton in 2022, hybrid variant by 2030, i-MiEV to return with Nissan

Next-gen Mitsubishi Triton could get PHEV option, 2023 launch likely 01

Current-generation Triton shown

According to a report by, Owen Thomson, Mitsubishi Motors Australia’s senior manager of product strategy, “It’s certainly been from day one that consideration of electrification has been in the Triton plan. If you look at the ute market generally it’s clear that at some time during this decade there is going to be all sorts of forms of electrification of utes. It’s just a matter of what form that will take and when it happens in the market.”

Next-gen Mitsubishi Triton could get PHEV option, 2023 launch likely 02

For context, the hybrid Mitsubishi Triton referred to here is a petrol hybrid and not a diesel hybrid, as explained by Thomson, “There are certain different user groups that can take advantage of it, but for other user groups it may well be a disadvantage.

Next-gen Mitsubishi Triton could get PHEV option, 2023 launch likely 03

“Personally, I can’t see a petrol PHEV ute working for remote users on mining sites, they certainly don’t want to store explosive fuel on site. That’s the reason all the mining companies use diesel, they don’t use petrol, purely from a fuel safety management point of view on site.”

Next-gen Mitsubishi Triton could get PHEV option, 2023 launch likely 04

For city dwellers, on the other hand, a petrol PHEV Triton could make more sense.

“… [for] city-based users, a petrol PHEV ute is probably a good thing for them,” said Thomson. “This is the challenge for the ute market. There’s such a diverse range of buyers and needs, that it’s quite difficult sometimes to navigate your way through this,” he added.

Next-gen Mitsubishi Triton could get PHEV option, 2023 launch likely 05

Meanwhile, Toyota, via its Australian arm, has confirmed that a Hilux hybrid is underway and there are plans to launch the model before 2030, so this response from Mitsubishi is to be expected.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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