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From Indonesia to the Americas: All-new 2022 Honda BR-V begin exports to the Caribbean

CY Foong · Mar 17, 2022 09:30 AM

From Indonesia to the Americas: All-new 2022 Honda BR-V begin exports to the Caribbean 01

Besides Toyota and Daihatsu, another important brand that contributes to Indonesia’s booming automotive industry is Honda which has been exporting locally-assembled (CKD) models overseas since 1992.

The all-new 2022 Honda BR-V is spearheading PT Honda Prospect Motor’s (HPM) ambitions with 69 units bound on a boat for the Caribbean.

From Indonesia to the Americas: All-new 2022 Honda BR-V begin exports to the Caribbean 02

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Aside from exporting to markets around Southeast Asia, the Indo-built BR-V will be exported to around 30 countries around the world. The latest markets to receive the all-new 7-seater crossover include Barbados, St. Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago.

From Indonesia to the Americas: All-new 2022 Honda BR-V begin exports to the Caribbean 01

The 69 units account for the first batch of exports to the West Indies while HPM plans to export 6,000 units of the BR-V worldwide in 2022.

Also read: The world embraces Indonesian-made cars as exports go up 37.7% in the first 8 months of 2021

From Indonesia to the Americas: All-new 2022 Honda BR-V begin exports to the Caribbean 02

For 30 years, HPM has exported vehicles and vehicle components to countries including Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Mexico, and Brazil.

Indonesia Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, hopes that HPM could help contribute to the country’s mission to export 1 million vehicles in total by 2025.

From Indonesia to the Americas: All-new 2022 Honda BR-V begin exports to the Caribbean 03

The previous BR-V was assembled in various countries around the world but this all-new generation will see Indonesia as the main production hub for the crossover. Its introduction in Malaysia, however, will be later because CKD production needs a longer lead time to prep plant and local suppliers against fully-imports (CBU).

Also read: Launching in Malaysia: 2022 Toyota Veloz, Honda BR-V and Mitsubishi Xpander previewed

From Indonesia to the Americas: All-new 2022 Honda BR-V begin exports to the Caribbean 04

According to Business Innovation and Sales & Marketing Director PT HPM, Yusak Billy, the BR-V’s next destinations later this year include Thailand, the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Vietnam sales will only begin in 2023 as the country uses Euro 6 fuels.

Also read: 2022 Honda BR-V driven in Indonesia - Is it better than the Xpander and Avanza?

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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