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Chery's Jaecoo brand to launch in Malaysia in 2024, first units of RHD J7 AWD begin testing here

Sanjay ยท Dec 6, 2023 04:06 PM

Chery's Jaecoo brand to launch in Malaysia in 2024, first units of RHD J7 AWD begin testing here 01

Jaecoo is coming into Malaysia, and the first two units of its Jaecoo J7 AWD are already in the country to begin road tests and previews, ahead of the brand and the model's launch in 2024.

If it's all "Jae-who?" for you, know that Jaecoo is one of the Chery Group's sub-brands that focuses on the export market. Essentially, it's Chery cars repackaged with a new name and slight tweaking of features โ€“ the J7 is sold as the Chery Tansuo 06 in its home market.

Chery's Jaecoo brand to launch in Malaysia in 2024, first units of RHD J7 AWD begin testing here 02

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Initial specs of the Malaysian-market J7 understandbly haven't been outlined at point of publication, but in China, it has a 1.6-litre turbocharged four-cylinder petrol engine making 186 PS and 275 Nm. This is paired to a 7-speed dual-clutch transmission, and all-wheel drive (AWD) drivetrain.

Its size is thereabouts of a Proton X70 (the J7 has a 2,650 mm wheelbase, against the Proton's 2,670, for instance), and comes with features such as a Qualcomm chipset, dual 10.25-inch screens for instruments and infotainment, and of course a list of advanced driver aids. 

Chery's Jaecoo brand to launch in Malaysia in 2024, first units of RHD J7 AWD begin testing here 01

The brand's Malaysian Facebook page is up too, and its official website is to be ready in January 2024. Jaecoo has also begun its dealer recruitment program, and interested parties can contact the company's representative, Ms. Ms. Mandy Yip, at 013-36666 55 or via email at

Also read: Chery Malaysia's next new model launch - Jaecoo 7 spotted in Malaysia


Senior Writer

With humble beginnings collecting diecast models and spending hours virtually tuning dream cars on the computer, his love of cars has delightfully transformed into a career. Sanjay enjoys how the same passion for cars transcends boundaries and brings people together.

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