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At RM 99k, Proton X70 Standard 2WD is the most value for money X70

Adrian Chia · Oct 21, 2019 12:24 PM

At RM 99k, Proton X70 Standard 2WD is the most value for money X70 01

At RM 99k, Proton X70 Standard 2WD is the most value for money X70 02

Since the introduction of the Proton X70, all the love and attention were given to the range-topping X70 Premium 2WD and for good reason.

By now you should be well aware of the “Hi Proton” Intelligent Voice Command function that allows you to operate some key functions of the car. Although, it is worth noting that controlling the windows using voice command is only available on the X70 Premium as the other Proton models do not come with the hardware to support it.

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At RM 99k, Proton X70 Standard 2WD is the most value for money X70 01

Not only that, but the X70 Premium 2WD is also furnished with Nappa leather seats, 9-speaker JBL surround sound system, panoramic sunroof, powered driver’s seat and 19-inch alloy wheels. Very premium stuff.

However, I want to draw your attention to the most affordable X70 on sale – the X70 Standard 2WD. The entry-level variants are easily and often outshined by the more expensive variants.

At RM 99k, Proton X70 Standard 2WD is the most value for money X70 02

More often than not, the basic variant is as basic as it gets, just to bring down the entry price of said model. It makes for good marketing material, especially when the brochure says “Starts from under RM XX,XXX” instead of six figures.

But in the case of the X70, the Standard 2WD is equally if not more impressive than the Premium 2WD.

At RM 99k, Proton X70 Standard 2WD is the most value for money X70 03

Priced at RM 99,800, the X70 Standard 2WD undercuts even the cheapest Honda HR-V on sale (1.8L E, RM 108k). Yet it still comes with all the feel-good stuff like 1.8-litre turbo, dual-zone automatic climate control, LCD instrument cluster, Drive Mode Selector, 7.0-inch touchscreen infotainment system, automatic headlamps, Clean Zone PM2.5 filter and online connectivity.

In terms of driving dynamics, the X70 Standard 2WD does not steer as sharply as the Premium 2WD due to the latter 19-inch wheels and lower-profile tyres. However, the ride is a whole lot more comfortable as the 17-inch alloys accentuate the X70’s stellar damping characteristics.

At RM 99k, Proton X70 Standard 2WD is the most value for money X70 04

However, despite costing much lesser than the HR-V, the X70 is not in any way cheaper to maintain. In fact, the X70 is costlier to maintain than the CR-V, which could be a concern for some buyers.

Overall, the Proton X70 is a very impressive product but the X70 Standard 2WD is particularly attractive to me. It’s the entry-level car that doesn’t at all feel cheap, has all the bells and whistles you’ll ever need in a car, all for under RM 100,000.

Adrian Chia


Psychology graduate with over 4 years in the automotive industry, 3 in front of the camera. Occasionally seen at his family owned tyre shop. Will only buy cars that passes the big bottle test.

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