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Scoop: Next-gen 2025 Toyota Supra to be fully electric, EV with manual transmission?

Shaun · Feb 8, 2023 09:00 AM

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As if reception for the Toyota GR Supra wasn’t controversial enough, the next-generation Toyota Supra could be an electric vehicle (EV), according to rumours from Japanese media.

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Japan’s BestCarWeb reported that while details are scarce, sources told the Japanese media that the next-generation Toyota Supra - expected to arrive in 2025 - will continue to be rear-wheel drive and its design will be reminiscent of a mid-engine sports car.

Currently, the only EV platform Toyota has is the e-TNGA that underpins the Toyota bZ4X. BestCarWeb speculates that the Supra EV will use a version of the e-TNGA and that it will have 450 PS to 500 PS at its disposal.

Also read: The Toyota bZ4X EV is the perfect daily companion to the GR86

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Scoop: Next-gen 2025 Toyota Supra to be fully electric, EV with manual transmission? 01

e-TNGA underneath the Toyota bZ4X

BestCarWeb also pointed out that the EV Supra could use the pseudo manual transmission that is being tested by Lexus on the prototype UX 300e, which has a rev counter, manual gear lever, and a clutch pedal.

Lexus Electrified chief engineer Takashi Watanabe said, “The project started when several Lexus engineers began reflecting on what they liked in traditional ICE vehicles and what they’ve had to miss out on in electric cars. The manual transmission was one thing they enjoyed in particular.”

“There is nothing more engaging for a passionate driver than to be able to shift gears manually for the right amount of torque at any time. It has delivered so much fun that this project is now under serious development. It might even be featured in our future BEVs (battery-electric vehicle),” he added.

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Inside the prototype Lexus UX 300e with a manual transmission

So, what do you think of a fully electric Toyota Supra and a manual transmission EV?

Also read: First look at the Malaysian-spec Toyota bZ4X EV, launching in Malaysia soon


Senior Writer

The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.

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