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Winner of Toyota Gazoo Racing eSports Championship walks home with RM 20,000 cash!

Adrian Chia ยท Sep 23, 2019 12:14 PM

Winner of Toyota Gazoo Racing eSports Championship walks home with RM 20,000 cash! 01

UMW Toyota Motor (UMWT) has been actively involved in motorsports-driven initiatives such as the Toyota Gazoo Racing Festival, Toyota Vios Challenge and more recently, the launch of the first GR Garage outside of Japan.

Among these initiatives include the Toyota Gazoo Racing (TGR) Velocity eSports Championship. In the grand finals of the second season of the largest national eSports racing event in Malaysia, the overall winners shared a prize pool of RM 70,000.

Winner of Toyota Gazoo Racing eSports Championship walks home with RM 20,000 cash! 02

After an intense day battling with the top 10 best virtual racers in Malaysia, the championship winners of TGR Velocity eSports season 2 were crowned:

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  • Mohd Shahril bin Nindar – Champion, RM 20,000
  • Muhammad Uzair bin Abdul Nasir – 1st runner up, RM 10,000
  • Mohammad Afif bin Suhaimi – 2nd runner up, RM 5,000

The 4th to 10th place finishers also went home with RM 2,000 each while 11th to 20th place received a RM 1,000 consolation prize each.

Winner of Toyota Gazoo Racing eSports Championship walks home with RM 20,000 cash! 01

The grand finals held in Pavilion Kuala Lumpur (Centre Court) on 22 September, saw top 40 qualifiers battling out for glory.

Adrian Chia


Psychology graduate with over 4 years in the automotive industry, 3 in front of the camera. Occasionally seen at his family owned tyre shop. Will only buy cars that passes the big bottle test.

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