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Will the Proton S70 get a cheaper 1.5L NA variant? Here's Proton's answer

Shaun · Feb 2, 2024 03:12 PM

Will the Proton S70 get a cheaper 1.5L NA variant? Here's Proton's answer 01

During the Q&A session conducted at the media drive for the Proton S70, inquiries arose regarding the potential availability of a more budget-friendly variant featuring a 1.5-litre naturally aspirated (NA) engine instead of the currently offered 1.5-litre turbocharged mill (1.5T).

Will the Proton S70 get a cheaper 1.5L NA variant? Here's Proton's answer 02

Azman bin Mahmod, Proton’s Deputy Head of Powertrain R&D, responded by stating that the company plans to stick with the 1.5T to ensure production costs align with economies of scale. “If we have a 1.5L NA, we will need to start a new process and it will affect our production costs,” he added. Consequently, the prospect of a naturally aspirated engine in the Proton S70 was ruled out.

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The engine assembly plant in Tanjung Malim, operational since April 2022, produces Proton’s 1.5 TGDI (Turbo Gasoline Direct Injection) and the 1.5T (port injection) engines. Introducing a new engine would complicate production costs, requiring the establishment of a new production line.

Also read: The hottest sedan in Malaysia? Here are all the prices and specs of the 2024 Proton S70 variants

Will the Proton S70 get a cheaper 1.5L NA variant? Here's Proton's answer 01

Proton's CEO, Roslan Abdullah, said, “Although the base [car] is [Geely] Emgrand, the heart is not. It’s developed by Proton to meet the heavy right foot of Malaysians.” He pointed out that fuel prices in other markets selling the Emgrand are higher than in Malaysia due to government subsidies.

Addressing potential criticism of the Proton S70 as merely a "rebadge," Roslan emphasised that while the design may appear similar, the powertrain and right-hand drive conversion involve intricate technical work. He stressed the considerable engineering effort invested in these aspects.

Also read: Priced from RM 74k, the Proton S70 launches in Malaysia; 1.5T 3cyl, Level 2 ADAS

Will the Proton S70 get a cheaper 1.5L NA variant? Here's Proton's answer 02

Just to recap, all variants of Proton S70 are unified by a single powertrain: a 1.5-litre 3-cylinder turbocharged engine making 150 PS and 226 Nm, sent to the front wheels via a 7-speed dual-clutch transmission (DCT).

Below are the variants and respective prices, OTR without insurance:

  • 1.5 Executive - RM 73,800
  • 1.5 Premium - RM 79,800
  • 1.5 Flagship - RM 89,800
  • 1.5 Flagship X - RM 94,800

Also read: Manual mode in the 2024 Proton S70 - Why is it left and right instead of up and down? 


Senior Writer

The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.

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