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WapCar Morning Insiders: What is it like to drive right into the Fire?

Tasia · Oct 31, 2019 06:29 AM

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WapCar Morning Insiders: What is it like to drive right into the Fire? 01

  • Lower monthly installments starting from RM 2,388 with the Mini Balloon Financing, at a lowered interest rate starting from 0.77%
  • New owners will enjoy the insurance rebate of RM2,000 off Mini vehicles with the Mini Financing plan.
  • One lucky Mini buyer to win an all-expense-paid trip to Great Britain for two.


Might this be the Perodua Rocky?

WapCar Morning Insiders: What is it like to drive right into the Fire? 02

Now Instagram user mr.t.tani in Japan has reportedly spotted the same SUV on trailers out in the open along with the Rocky nameplate clearly visible.

Any guesses on what Perodua will name their (maybe) new compact SUV? Perodua Rocky seem to have a nice ring to it!


 WapCar Talk 

Peugeot 3008 – the crossover many overlooked

WapCar Morning Insiders: What is it like to drive right into the Fire? 03

The Peugeot 3008 is the French company’s entry into the highly competitive C-segment SUV market.

It was previously imported from Peugeot’s plant in France, but Nasim has commenced locally assembly (CKD) at the Naza Automotive Manufacturing (NAM) plant in Gurun.

Read the complete review of the Peugeot 3008 now!


 International News 

 A Mugen tuned Honda Civic Type R

WapCar Morning Insiders: What is it like to drive right into the Fire? 04

Today, Mugen is no longer in F1, having vacated the spot to make way for Honda’s re-entry into the sport. Instead, it participates in Super GT and Japanese Super Formula Championship (formerly Formula Nippon).

In Malaysia, Mugen parts are distributed by JC Racing. Honda Malaysia also sells Mugen accessories, but only for selected models.


What is it like to drive right into the  Fire ?

The Kincade Fire is the largest of the wildfires burning in California, forcing thousands to evacuate. We 

San Francisco firefighters drove right into the heart of the Kincade Fire to help those in need. This is the video posted by @San Francisco Firefighters 798 on Twitter, in which one of their crews through their windshield. 


Volkswagen Q3 profits jumped 44%

WapCar Morning Insiders: What is it like to drive right into the Fire? 05

Despite the cooling global auto market, Volkswagen just announced its profits jumped 44% in the third quarter. 

The company's sales margin of 7.8% exceeded the goal of 6.5-7.5% as revenues rose 11% to $68.27 billion. 

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