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VW Polo-rivalling 2024 MG 3 Hybrid debuts - fastest accelerating B-hatch, only needs a 3-speed transmission

Hans · Feb 27, 2024 08:59 AM

VW Polo-rivalling 2024 MG 3 Hybrid debuts - fastest accelerating B-hatch, only needs a 3-speed transmission 01

Chinese-owned British brand MG hosted the global debut of its all-new 2024 MG 3 at the Geneva Motor Show yesterday.

Now exclusively a hybrid-only model for Europe, the MG 3 Hybrid+ is powered by an unusually large (by the standards of a regular hybrid) 1.83 kWh battery. MG claims that the front-wheel drive B-segment hatchback is the fastest accelerating B-segment hatchback in its (non-GTI) class, with a 0-100 km/h time of 8 seconds.

VW Polo-rivalling 2024 MG 3 Hybrid debuts - fastest accelerating B-hatch, only needs a 3-speed transmission 02

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Power comes from an efficiency-minded 1.5-litre Atkinson-cycle 4-cylinder petrol that makes 102 PS and 128 Nm, boosted by a 136 PS / 250 Nm electric motor, achieving a combined system output of 194 PS.

Typically, hybrids with this level of torque don’t need a conventional transmission, but the MG 3 comes with a 3-speed automatic, though details on the gearbox is short.

Like Toyota hybrids, the MG 3 is a two-motor, series-parallel hybrid, meaning that the engine can drive the front wheels AND charge the battery simultaneously.

VW Polo-rivalling 2024 MG 3 Hybrid debuts - fastest accelerating B-hatch, only needs a 3-speed transmission 01

Claimed fuel consumption is just 4.4-litre/100 km, when tested under WLTP methods.

Inside, there’s a 7-inch digital instrument panel, paired to a 10.25-inch infotainment screen.

VW Polo-rivalling 2024 MG 3 Hybrid debuts - fastest accelerating B-hatch, only needs a 3-speed transmission 02

Closer to home, SAIC Malaysia will be launching the MG brand here next month. The planned product line-up hinted appears to be very focused on SUVs, the MG ZS and MG 4.

Founded in England in 1924 by Cecil Kimber, MG is short for Morris Garages, because early MG cars were modified Morris. In 1952, it became part of the British Motor Group, and later MG Rover. Chinese company Nanjing Automobile acquired the brand in 2005. In 2007, Nanjing Automobile was acquired by the Shanghai government-owned SAIC Motor.


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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